Assessment of TCE Concentration in South Tucson Water Network
This paper summarizes a study that estimated trichloroethylene (TCE) contamination patterns in a portion of the Tucson water distribution network due to several polluted wells. Aspects...

Groundwater Contaminant Transport at a Hazardous Waste Disposal Site, Pullman, Washington
Groundwater contamination at a hazardous waste site near Pullman, Washington is simulated by a numerical model. The aquifer at the site is classified as an unconfined valley aquifer. Solute...

Developing, Managing, and Protecting Urban Aquifers in the Pacific Northwest
Water purveyors in the Puget Sound region have applied a variety of innovative techniques to effectively manage urban groundwater supplies from a quantity and quality perspective. Two...

Large-Scale Conjunctive Use of the San Gabriel Basin: An Environmentally Beneficial Water Supply Project
The 170-square-mile San Gabriel Basin in Los Angeles County, California, has commanded the attention of both water supply and environmental agencies because: (1) it is an idyllic natural...

Upper Guadalupe River Authority, Texas?Innovative Solution to Long-Term Water Needs
Through conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water, the Upper Guadalupe River Authority (UGRA) has designed a water supply system for the City of Kerrville, Texas that saves 80 percent...

A Comparison of Short Term Forecast Methods for Municipal Water Use
Water utilities routinely develop long range demand forecasts for use in the normal planning activities. In recent years, many utilities have sought to develop more short-term demand forecasts...

Water Use Pattern of Residential and Commercial Customers
The availability of the Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) devices make it possible to read a large number of meters in a short period of time. Through the use of AMR, we monitored weekly water...

The City of Los Angeles Gray Water Pilot Project Shows Safe Use of Gray Water is Possible
A year-long study of eight residential gray water systems was conducted in the City of Los Angeles. Soils irrigated with gray water were compared monthly with soils irrigated with municipal...

Bellingham Frozen Foods Spray Irrigation System Operations
Bellingham Frozen Foods is a major vegetable processor located in northwestern Washington state. During the mid-1980's, the city of Bellingham began to upgrade the treatment of wastewater....

EBMUD's Approach to Demand Reduction
The East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) supplies water to more than 1.2 million people in the East Bay area of California. The District has developed a comprehensive plan to deal...

Global Distribution of Water Through the Oceans
The paper is a conceptual investigation of a pipeline and bladder system for conveying and storing fresh water in the oceans. Modeling is recommended to provide background on what could...

Agricultural Water Conservation Programs to Improve Water Use Efficiency
California's growing population poses an ever increasing demand for water from the existing limited and scarce water resources of the State. In addition the continuation of six years of...

Impact of Groundwater Management Act and CAP Water Supply on Agricultural Water Conservation Programs
Irrigation districts in central Arizona have increased the tax assessments for their farms to pay for distribution systems to deliver Central Arizona Project (CAP) water. Many farms must...

Price Elasticity and Conservation Potential
Water conservation programs usually contain pricing incentives for users to limit water consumption. This analysis uses data from the Portland, Oregon water system as an example of both...

Seasonal Rates?The Pros and Cons: A Case Study
The Spring Valley Water Company, an investor owned water utility serving over 58,000 customers in Rockland County, New York, implemented a seasonal differential rate structure in 1980....

Urban Stormwater Runoff Control System?Village of Skokie, Illinois
Combined sewer systems in many communities lack the capacity to convey stormwater runoff from even small to moderate storm. This inadequate capacity, in turn, causes basement flooding...

Storage of Combined Sewer Overflow: How Effectibe is it Anyway?
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the importance of modeling long term rainfall records to evaluate the effectiveness of combined sewer overflow storage. This paper will present...

Storm Water Utility Experience in Bellevue, Washington
Surface water management is seen as a flood protector by most, a savior of the environment by some and a subversion of property rights by others. As recently as 20 years ago, there were...

Cross Section 90's?A Profile of User Fee Funded Stormwater Utility Practices in the U.S.
The task of securing adequate tax funding to support a stormwater drainage system regarding operating and capital needs is discussed. An innovative and practical solution was arrived at;...

Interactive Decision Support for Hydrologic, Hydraulic, & Instream Flow Criteria
Most often, impacts on natural resources from alternative river discharges are not quantified. The personal computer (PC) can provide access to useful techniques for analyzing multiobjective...





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