Fish Bypass Facilities - Tehama-Colusa Canal
Operation of the canal headworks has proven to be detrimental to migrating fish passing the Red Bluff Diversion Dam. Studies performed for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation were undertaken...

Research Needs in Movement of Agricultural Chemicals to Groundwater
Better prediction of the movement of agricultural chemicals to groundwater is necessary to permit development of best management practices to reduce adverse environmental effects of agriculture....

Comparison of ET Measured with Neutron Moisture Meters and Weighing Lysimeters
The neutron moisture meter (N.M.) method of determining crop water use is frequently used in research and irrigated agriculture. This study was conducted to compare crop evapotranspiration...

Geochemical Factors Affecting Trace Element Mobility
Selected geochemical processes to be considered when modeling the movement of trace elements in soils are presented. The topics covered include: solid phase-solubility equilibria, ion...

Treatment, Reuse and Disposal of Drain Waters
Treatment, reuse and disposal options of agricultural drainage water present formidable technical problems. Various treatment technologies and disposal methods have been studied. Reuse...

Movement of Triazine Herbicides and Metolachlor in a Sandy Soil
The movement of atrazine, cyanazine, simazine, and metolachlor was studied in an Evesboro loamy sand soil. Both no-tillage and conventional tillage treatments were used. Atrazine, simazine,...

Nonpoint Source Pollution from Agricultural Drainage: Impacts and Innovations in California
This paper provides an overview of the more significant impacts of agricultural drainage in California, and describes the role of the State's Agricultural Drainage Water Management...

Implemented Solutions to Wqter Supply Problems?The Tucson Experience
During the past 30 years Tucson Arizona has been one of the fastest growing urban centers in the United States. During this period, the population served by the municipal water utility,...

Future Transfers of Water and Conveyance Capacity Between the CVP and the California SWP
On November 24, 1986, the Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) executed an agreement known as the Coordinated Operations Agreement or COA....

Chemically-Enhanced Treatment: An Alternative to Biological Secondary Treatment for Ocean Outfalls
Chemically-enhanced treatment is a process whereby chemicals are added to wastewater in order to enhance solids removals through coagulation. This treatment process can obtain removal...

Iona Outfall Plume Characterization Study
Field studies were conducted in August 1988 to verify the performance of the new deep sea outfall for the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) Iona Island Sewerage Treatment Plant...

Water Supply and Aeration Demands for Shrimp Farms
A computer model was developed simulating flow and aeration requirements for a range of farm sizes, from 50 to 2000 hectares. Climatic effects and water quality upset conditions were included...

The Calculation of Flushing Flows for Gravel and Cobble Bed Rivers
Flushing flows are needed to remove fines and sand from a gravel or cobble bed river. A natural stream will have periodic high flows adequate for flushing of fines and sand, but the hydraulic...

Top Projects 1990
A dam, a bridge, an expressway, an interchange, flood control improvements, wastewater treatment and a dredged material containment embankment round out the 1990 Outstanding Civil Engineering...

Double-OWC Wave Power Extractor of a Taut Moored Floating Structure
A double oscillating water column is proposed as a means to improve the efficiency of wave power conversion over a wide range of wave periods in deep water. A mathematical model of the...

Conceptual Design Analysis for Hybrid-Cycle OTEC Plants for Co-Production of Electric Power and Desalinated Water
Hybrid-cycle OTEC power plants are shown to be potentially the most flexible and cost effective in obtaining any specific mix of electrical power and desalinated water. This paper describes...

Asphalt Changes in Drum Dryer and Batch Operations
The study was designed to determine whether steam distillation of asphalt takes place in a drum dryer mixer by comparing changes induced by various laboratory conditioning (aging) techniques...

The Dredging Dilemma
Disposal of dredge materials is becoming a national environmental problem. Disposal sites on land are becoming extremely scarce and environmental objections growing. There are also objections...

Sludge Disposal Dallas Style
Dallas, Tex. has discovered that sludge disposal can coexist with environmental concerns. Dallas Water Utilities treats some 200 million gpd, sending the effluent from one of the two treatment...

No Feet of Clay
The methods of dealing with hazardous waste are evolving. At Superfund sites, for instance, excavation and removal was once the popular choice for treating pollutants, but stabilization...





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