Quantifying Chemicals in Coastal Environments
Because management and regulation is largely based on numerical chemical data, understanding of the process, products and limitations of environmental chemical analysis is critical for...

A Regional Screening Method for Classifying Pollutant Status of Coastal Waters
A regional assessment method has been developed to classify estuaries on the basis of their pollution severity, enabling resource managers to prioritize clean-up and future research efforts....

Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity (CARICOMP): A Regional Laboratory Network
The CARICOMP (Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity) project began with a workshop in 1982. Marine scientists from 12 Caribbean nations gathered to consider the factors controlling the...

Sensitive Area Assessment on Canada's Frontier Lands
Sensitive area assessment (SAA) has a role in environmental impact assessment and as a resource management tool for oil and gas activities on Canada's frontier lands, onshore...

Contributions of Oil and Gas Environmental Reviews to Coastal Zone Management in Canada
This paper begins with a description of the environments and the patterns of settlement along the coasts of Canada. It then discusses coastal zone management frameworks in Canada focussing...

Homer Spit Storm Damage Reduction
Homer Spit is a natural spit formed by littoral processes at the confluence of Kachemak Bay and Cook Inlet in Southcentral Alaska, some 192 km southwest of Anchorage. The immediate erosion...

Rocky Habitat Mitigation Using Artificial Reefs in Puget Sound, Washington
In Puget Sound, Washington, artificial reefs are being studied to determine their potential to mitigate for man-caused degradation of rocky habitat. These studies demonstrate the biological...

Background to Petroleum Development in Santa Barbara County
This discussion introduces several papers which examine solutions to challenges posed to local agencies by ongoing development of offshore petroleum resources. Innovative solutions have...

Mitigation of Impacts Associated with Oil and Gas Development Projects
The large scale oil and gas development occurring in Santa Barbara County has the potential to cause extensive environmental impacts on many resources within the county. The county has...

Innovative Approaches to Mitigating Cumulative Impacts
Faced with rapid acceleration in offshore oil and gas development, Santa Barbara County has advanced the recognition, evaluation, and mitigation of cumulative impacts. The County's...

Developing Findings of Fact for a Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness Plan for the City of Waldport/Alsea Bay Area, Lincoln County, Oregon
Marine erosion attributed to the effects of the 1983 El Nino resulted in the loss of the distal tip of Alsea Spit in 1985 enlarging Alsea Bay inlet by 300% and subjecting the City of Waldport...

Informal Regulatory Consultations: Greasing the Skids
Companies considering major coastal zone construction projects should conduct informal consultations with appropriate regulatory and resource management agencies early in the planning...

The Cost of Regulatory Concerns Associated with Petroleum Development in the Arctic
During the late 1970's and early 1980's, petroleum resources were developed in the central Alaskan arctic coastal zone. Governmental agencies mandated to protect...

Numerical Modeling of the Coastal Current Regime at Yaquina Bay, Oregon
The application of a family of hydrodynamic numerical models for simulating tidal and wave-induced currents at Yaquina Bay, Oregon, is described. An overview of four numerical models is...

The Massachusetts CZM Project Review Process
In 1978 the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program (MCZMP) became the first CZM program on the East Coast to be approved by the U. S. Department of Commerce and is now in its ninth...

Environmental Mitigation Techniques for Marina Development
The paper discusses a coastal design process entitled 'Design by Mitigation'. It describes a series of mitigation measures and techniques which can be used to...

A Design rReview Board's Role in Developing Public Access
In the past 20 years, the Bay Commission, through its permit process, has required that new public access be provided along more than 100 linear miles of the shoreline of San Francisco...

Northwest Regional Coastal Study: An Integrated Approach
The Northwest Regional Coastal Study as proposed consists of: (1) identification of problems; (2) inventory of available information; (3) prioritizing problems and study areas; (4) conducting...

Coastal Zone Management Practices, Northwest Brittany, France
Over the entire coast of Brittany, three government programs have sponsored over 81. 9 million francs (6 ff equals US1, approx. ) of coastal-related programs since 1968. Projects vary...

Erosion Control Measures and Beach Restoration Plan at the Niigata West Coast
This paper first presents the process of erosion and the history of control measures at the Niigata west coast. The paper further discusses an epoch-making shore protection and beach restoration...





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