Restoring a Stream Corridor
The Stream Restoration Project is an environmental remediation project in a residential area in the Northeast United States. The soil in the flood plain of the stream was contaminated...

Tracking a Serial Filter
The Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District in northern California conducted pilot testing of extreme/high-rate serial filtration (EHRSF) to see if the process could meet water treatment...

Water Resources Engineering
These proceedings, Water Resources Engineering, contains papers that were presented at the First International Conference on Water Resources...

The Boom in In Situ Bioremediation
In situ bioremediation was first applied in 1972 when a subsurface release of high-octane gasoline threatened the water supply of a small town in Pennsylvania. Soluble inorganic nutrients...

Mother Nature's Pump and Treat
Known under the general term of phytoremediation, using vegetation as a remedial agent has existed in its basic form for many years, mostly in applications involving waste-water treatment....

SOS For Small-Town SSOs
No matter why a small town confronts its sanitary-sewer-overflow problems, solutions are bound by the town's own resources. For two Midwestern towns, hindsight shows that...

Geo-Environmental Issues Facing the Americas
Contamination of soil and ground water are problems common to developed as well as developing countries; their effects on health and the deterioration of natural resources transcend national...

Management of Water Resources in North America III
Anticipating the 21st Century
This proceedings, Management of Water Resources in North America III, contains fourteen of the papers presented and discussed at the Third...

A Second Life for Dredged Material
To ensure safe, navigable waters, rivers and waterways must be dredged. Dredging in the U.S. requires long-term alternatives for placement of more than 300 million cu yds of dredged material...

Microtunneling Meets Mother Nature
The world's first ocean thermal energy plant is getting a double. Microtunneling the second ocean intake 80 ft under the Pacific Ocean is proving challenging, partly due to...

Sounding Out Scour
As engineers are aware, detection of bridge scour is the best protection. A method for monitoring scour during low, normal or high water flows would also help alleviate some of the ambiguity...

Journal of Infrastructure Systems
The ?Journal of Infrastructure Systems? publishes cross-disciplinary papers about managing, sustaining, enhancing, and transforming civil infrastructure systems. Papers are expected to contribute new knowledge...

Update of the Implications of Recent Space Resource Discovery
Immense resources have been discovered in the space near Earth during the last decade. Last August, 1992, one of the resource objects was discovered to contain a key ingredient that might...

Mineral Liberation and Beneficiation of Lunar High-Ti Mare Basalt, 71055: Digital-Imaging Analyses
Knowledge of the abundance of various lunar minerals and the ability to effectively beneficiate thee minerals are important requirements for effective utilization of lunar resources. SEM/EMP...

Kinetic Interpretations of First Reactivity Experiments on Lunar Basalt Samples
For the first time, water/oxygen production from Apollo program lunar samples has been experimentally demonstrated. The experiments gave extremely encouraging results as all ilmenite was...

Feasibility of Treating Synthetic Greywater by Culturing Waldmann's Dark Green Lettuce in a Hydroponic System
The objective of the research was to treat synthetic greywater in a hydroponic system culturing Waldmanns dark green lettuce (Lactuca Stavia L Var. Crispa L). The process is designed as...

Deepwater Waves and Tsunami Produced by the Impacts of Small Asteroids
Studies of ocean sediments may be used to determine when coastal areas have been hit by tsunamis in the past. Tsunami debris has been found to be associated with the Cretaceous-Tertiary...

Validation of the European Yield Model for Nailed Connections
Recent changes in National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS) connection design methods make it necessary to validate the European yield model (EYM) for nails. Test values...

Impact of Non-Gaussian pdf on Reliability Estimates for Deep Water Platforms
The offshore community has invested a great deal in the analysis and design of compliant deep water platforms such as tension leg platforms (TLPs) and more recently spar platforms. Tension...

Effects of Sea Surface Movement on Offshore Structures
Examinations are made of the effects of the sea surface movement on the fundamental model response of deep-water, Wave-excited offshore structures. These effects are accounted for by using...





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