Motion Control of Space Structures
A new area of civil engineering is emerging as we begin to establish a permanent presence in space. The new area of civil engineering is the motion control of space structures. This paper...

Actively Controlled Optimum Structural Design
This paper deals with the investigation of the number and location of actuators and sensors on the optimum structure and control design of space structures. The optimization problem is...

Space Construction: A CSI Perspective
This paper outlines the control structure interaction (CSI) problem for space construction engineers. An overview of the Control Astrophysics and Structures Experiment in Space (CASES)...

A Design Process for Water Distribution Systems Including Optimization
Design of a water distribution system is a multi-level process from preliminary planning to final detailed sizing of components. Unfortunately as in many design problems, a final detailed...

Upgrading Hydraulic Infrastructure for Level One Redundancy
In the current paper a methodology is presented for upgrading any single source water distribution system in order to provide a level one system redundancy at a minimum cost. A level one...

Rehabilitation Model for Water Distribution Systems
This paper presents an optimization model for determining the minimum cost rehabilitation and replacement of pipes in water distribution systems. The advantages of the proposed model include...

Models for Optimal Maintenance of Hydraulic Structures
Corrective maintenance includes the unscheduled repairs required to return a structure from a failed state to an operating or available state. Corrective maintenance is determined by the...

Reliability Estimation for Vertical Lift Gate at Emsworth Dam
The lift gates are composed of two horizontal trusses, two vertical girders, seven diaphragms, and two end frames. A critical element in the structural integrity of the lift gate is a...

Economic Assessment of Infrastructural Development for the Gurara River in Nigeria
Based on the preliminary designs of the hydraulic structures for the proposed Gurara river water development project in Nigeria, an economic feasibility analysis is presented. The cost...

Soft Bottom Low Flow Channel?A New Approach
In 1987, the City of Boulder, Colorado requested assistance from the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (District) to repair a problem of cattails growing in the low flow portion...

Conservation and Water Supply Planning at Army Installations
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the research being conducted by the U.S. Army Institute for Water Resources in providing technical assistance to the Installation Planning Division,...

Hydrology Review for Corps 404 Permit Process
Since 1985 the Corps of Engineers has reviewed Section 404 permit requests in regard to hydrology and hydraulic impacts of developments in the mainstem floodplains of the Trinity River...

Considerations for a Multiple-Use Stormwater Detention Facility
A 60-year-old neighborhood provides the unusual setting for the City of Tulsa's Turner Park-Will Rogers High School Stormwater Detention Facility. The 20-acre site is located...

Fuzzy Sets in Civil Engineering?A Tutorial
This tutorial is an introduction to the theory of fuzzy sets and its applications in Civil Engineering, including its use within the framework of knowledge-based systems. The techniques...

Measuring Performance of Clay Containment Barriers
Clayey soils compacted to engineering specifications are widely used as structures for hydraulic containment. Current applications include landfill liners, landfill covers, pond liners,...

A Rational Basis for Determining Safety of Containment
Design of waste containment facilities may follow one of three tacts: (1) the liner and cover systems may have prescribed components of predetermined minimum thicknesses and hydraulic...

Spatial Averaging of Statistically Anisotropic Point Conductivities
This paper presents a new technique to compute the mean, variogram and cross-variograms of the components of block conductivity tensors given the statistical distribution of point conductivities....

Advances in Hydraulic Stream Modeling Using HEC-2
The Corps of Engineers, Ft. Worth, Texas, Flood Plain Management Services Branch has developed hydraulic stream models for creeks and rivers throughout the state of Texas for the purpose...

Identification of Aquifer Parameters in Confined Groundwater Flow
The logarithm of the aquifer properties, log transmissivity (log T) and log storativity (log S), are regarded as realizations of stochastic processes whose estimates are required. The...

Review of the Design, Construction, and Operation of the Lake Carolyn Flood Control Pump Station
A review of the design, construction, and initial operation of the Lake Carolyn Flood Control Pump Station in Irving, Texas is presented. Staged water resource development design concepts...





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