Urban Creekside Design Features Parallel Streets
Waterflow in cities�natural streams and rivers surrounded by wildlife, or concrete channels�must be controlled to prevent devastating flooding. Proper landuse restraints and creative designs...

Knoxville's Junction Functions
The urban highway system in Knoxville was originally built as a local expressway in the early 1950's. It was designed to significantly lower standards than Interstate and...

The Infrastructure Problem and the Role of the Civil Engineer
It is civil engineers who design, build, and maintain the nation's infrastructure. Along with public works officials who manage the urban infrastructure, the civil engineer...

Salvaging Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio has suffered from shrinking inner-city wealth resulting in reduced budgets for its urban infrastructure. Now, led by the Greater Cleveland Growth Association, the city...

Washington D.C. Suburban I66�Unique Compromise in Expressway Design
A controversial urban Interstate project with more than 40 years of history has reached the final stages of construction. Citizen participation in varying forms has led to the development...

Public Infrastructure�Are More Dollars Coming?
The top subject at the October, 1982, New Orleans convention of the American Society of Civil Engineers was the infrastructure finance problem. Noted analysts of the situation, including...

Stormwater Detention Facilities
Planning, Design, Operation, and Maintenance
The objective of this conference was to explore issues, define available technology, identify problems, and identify research needs with regard to the planning, design, operation, and...

Joint Usage of Utility and Transportation Corridors
The problems and experiences of engineers working on transportation corridors are explored through 12 papers presented at a conference of the ASCE Pipeline Division. Corridors involve...

Japanese Tunnel Design: Lessons for the U.S.
The Japanese construction industry has a great deal to offer regarding designs, methods, and procedures that can efficiently overcome the tough physical and environmental constraints encountered...

East Bay Waste Management: From Landfill to Park
A balancing act between public interests, government regulations, and a private concern evolved into a total waste-management system for the San Francisco Bay area cities. Civil engineers...

Civil Engineers Revitalize Ailing Inner-City Hospital
The reconstruction of the Cooper Medical Center in Camden, New Jersey, is described. The Medical facilities are part of the urban renewal plan for Camden. A unique feature of the project...

St. Louis, City on the Rebound, Willing to Try
Urban renewal plans in St. Louis have focused on giving incentives to private enterprise to develop inner city real estate for commercial, industrial, and residential use. The dollar volume...

Will EPA'S Nationwide Urban Runoff Study Achieve Useful Results�
Approximately 30 studies are now underway across the United States as part of the Nationwide Urban Runoff program (NURP) to evaluate the water quality significance of stormwater drainage...

NYC Convention Highlights�� Part III
The final installment of the highlights from ASCE's International Convention held in New York City this past May is presented. (See CE 8/81,pp.68-9,74-5; 9/81, 93-6.) The...

A Guide to Urban Arterial Systems
The urban arterial system, a link between freeways and local streets, provides for the efficient collection, distribution, and transition of traffic among freeways, collector streets,...

Pure and Wholesome
Four papers published between 1899 and 1907 describe problems in sanitary engineering encountered during a time of rapid urbanization. In these papers and associated discussions, leading...

Public Engineers�Why the Least Happy Category of Civil Engineers�
Civil engineers in government, city, county, state and federal, and especially the first three, seem to be the group of ASCE members who are least happy. Reasons why include lower pay...

The Fly-Over: It Unclogs Urban Traffic in A Hurry
Fly-overs are light-weight, low-cost, prefabricated steel structures that elevate only one or two lanes over a traffic-choked city intersection but dramatically reduce congestion. By removing...

Mount St. Helens Eruption�Impact and Civil Engineering Response
The May 18 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington state, estimated to have the energy equivalent of a 20 to 50 megaton atom bomb, did tremendous damage. It destroyed an estimated 160...

Miami Riot�Will a Phoenix Rise from Ashes�
In May, inner-city black residents of Miami, Florida, looted and burned about 300 buildings in their neighborhoods. The cause is detailed�their perception that the judicial system was...





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