Experimental Validation of a Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Model
A method is developed for validating a probabilistic fracture analysis code (PROFRANC). The method is based on classical statistical techniques and experimental data. It is shown that...

Risk Based Optimal Fatigue Testing
Optimal fatigue life testing of materials is considered. Based on minimization of the total expected costs of a mechanical component a strategy is suggested to determine the optimal stress...

On the Fatigue Loading for Local Components
Fatigue provisions in the North American Codes for design of highway bridges may not be applicable to the design of local components which are subjected to high axle overloads and dynamic...

Design and Maintenance Factors Affecting Application Uniformity of Low Pressure Center-Pivot Irrigation Systems
Uniformity tests were conducted on 30 center-pivot sprinkler systems installed with one of six different low pressure nozzle types or high pressure impact sprinklers. Well designed and...

Aldicarb Transport in the Coastal Plain of N. C.
The pesticide aldicarb is extremely soluble in water which causes it to be mobile in ground water. A field study was conducted to monitor the fate of the pesticide aldicarb in a poorly...

Darcy-Weisbach Roughness Coefficients for Selected Residue Materials
A laboratory study is conducted to measure Darcy-Weisbach roughness coefficients for corn, cotton, peanut, pine needles, sorghum, soybeans, sunflower, and wheat residue. Varying rates...

The Present Status of Precipitation Enhancement by Cloud Seeding
Atmospheric water in the form of precipitation, is one of the primary sources of fresh water in the world. However, a large amount of water present in clouds never gets transformed into...

Pile Installation and Testing at Ningbo Port, China
As part of an ambitious development program at the Port of Ningbo, the People's Republic of China constructed a 694 m (2277 ft) long offshore pier structure to provide a container berth...

Pile Lateral Load Test in the Port of Los Angeles
Recent wharf projects in West Coast ports have featured rock dikes to contain backland fill and the use of vertical piles embedded in the rock dikes to resist lateral loads. This paper...

Batter Piles and the Seismic Performance of Pile-Supported Wharves
This paper discusses the role of batter piles in the seismic performance of wharves, based on the results of a nonlinear soil-structure interaction analysis of a pile-supported wharf with...

Measured Fill Performance at Berths 212-215 in the Port of Los Angeles
This paper summarizes the performance of an instrumentation fill constructed in open water in the Port of Los Angeles (Port). A new container-handling facility was constructed that consisted...

Proposed Seismic Design Method for Piers and Wharves
Current seismic provisions of the 1991 Uniform Building Code (UBC-91) and the 1983 AASHTO Seismic Design Specifications (AASHTO) are compared as they relate to piers and wharves. An alternate...

Seismic Rehabilitation of Seattle's Pier 69
The Port of Seattle, one of the largest on the west coast of North America, made a strong statement regarding their support for reusing existing structures when a decision was made to...

Seismic Survey Considerations in the Planning and Design of Dredging Projects for Marine Terminal Facilities
This paper presents a case study of the value of high resolution seismic survey information when planning and designing a dredging project for a marine terminal facility. Advances in high...

Pre-Compression of Concrete Breasting Dolphins Solves Construction Problem
A roll-on/roll-off ferry terminal was built in Quincy, Massachusetts in 1989 as part of a marine transportation system to support construction of the sewage treatment facilities proposed...

Pier and Wharf for U.S. Navy Homeport, Everett
Design of the homeporting facilities at Everett, Washington, began in 1985. The U.S. Navy and the design team were faced with many challenges, including a waterfront site containing contaminated...

Model Tests for Expansion of Anaheim Bay Naval Harbor
Modifications to the Anaheim Bay, California, Harbor complex have been proposed to enable larger ships to access the existing wharf for direct loading of ordnance. In addition, new deepwater...

Interpreting Dredge Material Bioassay Data?COBIAA
Two types of sediment bioassays may be conducted in the regulatory evaluation of dredged material, toxicity tests and bioaccumulation tests. COBIAA (for the Consequences of Bioaccumulation...

Hydrologic Investigation of the April, 1983 Flooding in New Orleans, Louisiana
During the rainstorm of April 6-7, 1983, a shell ramp was constructed over State Highway 406, closing the relatively shallow depression formed by the roadway passing over the levee which...

Dry Weather Field Screening as an Indicator for Urban Drainage System Rehabilitation
In November 1990, EPA published final rules governing National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Application Regulations for stormwater discharges. The rules affect...





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