Two-Dimensional Circulation Modeling of the Pamlico River Estuary, North Carolina
A two dimensional, vertically averaged, unsteady flow model was applied to a 50- kilometer reach of the Pamlico River estuary, North Carolina. The model computational grid, which consists...

DYNLET1: Network Model for Tidal Inlet Dynamics
This paper introduces DYNLET1, an efficient, versatile, and accurate one- dimensional numerical model for computing tidal flow in a system of interconnecting channels and bays. Drawing...

Modelling of Coastal Circulation in Singapore Waters?A Hybrid Approach
A hybrid modelling technique which involves the integration of numerical and physical models has been used to study tide induced circulation in Singapore coastal waters. The modelling...

Numerical Simulation of Tidal Flow in Shallow Water Bay by Finite Difference Method
A two-dimensional finite difference numerical model to solve the vertically integrated non-linear shallow water equations has been developed using an Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI)...

Evaluation of Modelling Parameters for Simulation of Estuarial Systems
Frequently, the purpose of flow simulation in estuaries and complex river systems is to develop circulation patterns for later use. In particular flow and stage time histories are required...

A Modified Adjoint Method for Inverse Eddy Viscosity Estimation for Use in Coastal Circulation Models
The adjoint method is used to develop an objective analysis technique for estimating the vertical eddy viscosity used in three dimensional oceanic models. A cost functional which consists...

Innovative Reregulation Weirs
Since their construction, hydropower dams have generated more than just power for the Tennessee Valley Authority, they also generated concerns about their effects on river flow and aquatic...

Better Cover-Ups
Designing the final cover for a solid waste landfill or remediation site is often trickier than designing its lining because a cover will undergo more unpredictable stress and distress...

Maximum and Minimum Storage Trajectories That Meet Specific Risk Levels
One of Hydro-Quebec concerns is to operate its installations so as to satisfy the operating constraints. This paper describes a mathematical tool that enables the utility company to state...

Application of the Sampling Theorem to the Representation of Random Fields
A new parametric model is developed for homogeneous Gaussian random fields based on a generalization of the sampling theorem. The model depends linearly on a finite set of discrete values...

Stochastic Modelling of Strong Ground Motions for the Istanbul, Turkey Area from Seismic Data for the Surrounding Region
The ultimate goal of this research is to obtain simulations of earthquake ground motions for the Istanbul, Turkey region. A process of earthquake analysis developed by Ellis and Cakmak...

Slepian Process of a Non-stationary Process
An algorithm for simulating a zero-mean non-stationary Gaussian process over a fixed interval [0,T] with given arbitrary covariance function as well as the associated Slepian model process,...

Design of Transient and Steady State Drain Spacing
Drain spacings calculated by steady state or transient equations can be made equal by adjusting the design water table height used in the equations. The adjustments are not constant and...

Principles of Ground-Water Protection
Successful wellhead protection activities depend on a thorough knowledge of the ground-water flow system and an understanding of how contaminants migrate through geologic formations. Once...

Groundwater Management in Southern Florida
A water supply plan was developed by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) for Hendry County, Florida as part of the Lower West Coast Water Supply Plan. In the course of...

Statistical Decision Analysis for Interception Wells
In this paper we apply the Bayesian decision analysis to the engineering design of a groundwater interception well whose purpose is to capture a contaminant plume. Two decision variables...

Predicting Water Quality as Affected by ET Using the Root Zone Water Quality Model
The Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) is a physically based simulation model used to predict water and solute movement running from, moving through, and leaching out of the root zone....

Simulated Citrus Water Use from Shallow Groundwater
Citrus groves in south Florida are planted on poorly-drained soils that support a shallow water table which can contribute some or all of the citrus evapotranspiration (ET) requirement...

Simulating the Effects of Deficit Irrigation for Furrow Systems
The distribution of irrigation water across a field can dramatically affects management of furrow irrigation systems as water supplies become limiting. To assess management strategies...

7-Day 10-Yr Low Flow Relationships for Ungauged Sites in Central Italy
The principal objective of the present study was to establish relationships between some easily measurable basin characteristics and seven-day ten-year Low Flow Index, Q7,10....





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