Applied P-Delta Methods in the Design Office
At first glance some axioms of a P-Delta analysis appear to be paradoxical. First, the P-Delta effects are a direct function of the depth of the structure parallel to the wind direction....

Tall Building Stability -- Practical Considerations
Simple techniques for including lateral stability effects in the design of tall buildings are proposed. The application of these techniques in the design of a 66-story building is described....

Frame Stability - A Canadian Designer's Approach
The deficiencies and fallacies of the simplistic effective column length approach to frame stability are demonstrated through its application to a 57-story rigidly framed building structure....

Another Geotech Import: Deep Soil Mixing
A technique called deep soil mixing (DSM), imported from Japan, has been used to stabilize an existing dam foundation. When the Bureau of Reclamation discovered that Jackson Lake Dam had...

Milwaukee's Deep Tunnels�No Clone
Tunnel boring machines are excavating nearly 19 miles of tunnels 17-32 ft in diameter as part of Milwaukee's $1.9 billion upgrade of its sanitary sewage system. Laid out to...

The Sand Bar Hydroelectric Project: A Case History
The Sand Bar project's major features include a reinforced concrete intake structure; 3. 5 miles of twelve foot diameter hard rock tunnel; a reinforced concrete powerhouse...

Riverbank Stability and Monitoring at Grand Coulee Dam
The capability for hydroelectric power generation at Grand Coulee Dam was substantially increased following construction of the third powerplant in the mid 1970s. Increased river fluctuations...

Installation of Thermistor Strings in Test Borings: A Comparison of Methods and Results
Several test borings were instrumented with two thermistor strings, one inside and one outside an air-filled PVC casing to compare readings of both thermistor strings and the stability...

Arctic Stream Scour: A Case History
A small arctic stream on the North Slope of Alaska was monitored through one hydrologic cycle. The flow rate of the stream and the progress of its erosion through a breach into an adjacent...

Coal Mining in Alaska's Interior: Problems and Solutions
The Usibelli Coal Mine located in Healy, Alaska is currently the largest operating coal mine in the state of Alaska. The mine has recently increased production to nearly 1. 7 million tons...

Excavation in Hard Clays of the Keuper Formation
For the construction of a lock on the Main-Danube-Canal in South Germany a 30 m deep cut had to be excavated in the overconsolidated clays and claystones of the Keuper formation. The strength...

A Case Study of the Behavior of Seaport Facilities During the 1978 Miyagi-Ken-Oki Earthquake
This paper assesses seismic response characteristics of seaport facilities during the 1978 Miyagi-Ken-Oki earthquake by (a) compiling and assessing documented information from post-earthquake...

Landslide Dams in Japan
Damming of rivers by landslides is common in Japan because widespread unstable slopes and narrow valleys exist in conjunction with frequent hydrologic, volcanic, and seismic landslide...

Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction for RC Lifelines
The behavior of buried cylinders merits attention because of the impact of lifeline survivability under earthquake effects, and failures may adversely affect many communities that employ...

Reshaping Providence
By moving railroad tracks, river banks and several roadways, Providence, Rhode Island is reclaiming some 45 acres in its downtown and capital districts. This public works package is the...

Terminal Development as Affected by New Generation Ships
Howland Hook Marine Terminal, New York, serves to illustrate how an existing terminal, built to the older standards, can be adapted to accommodate these larger ships that not only stretch...

Geotechnical Aspects of Waterfront Parks: Case Histories
This paper presents several case histories of waterfront developments, and describes the general approach that the geotechnical consultant should take in the design of these projects....

Planning for Deep-Draft Navigation Channels
This paper summarizes the trends in seaboard trade, the major commodities for the world, and the share captured by U. S. ports. The discussion includes the new developments of port planning...

Ship Wave Prediction for Port and Channel Design
Several laboratory and field investigations of ship-generated waves have been conducted during the past twenty-five years. Typically, for a given ship, reported data consists of the height...

Navigation Channel Design for Safe and Efficient Ship Transit
The U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) recently conducted a hydraulic model investigation of the western portion of Cleveland Harbor, Ohio. This study provided data...





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