The Response of Steel Containment Models to Internal Pressurization
To obtain insight and data on the response of containment vessels subjected to beyond design basis accidents, four 1/32 scale steel containment models have been subjected to internal overpressurization,...

A Correlation Study on the Spectrum Decomposition Method
The major elements of the Spectrum Decomposition Method (SDM) are reviewed together with its automated process for generation of in-equipment response spectra (IERS). The floor required...

Evaluating Data Collectors as a Surveying Tool
Data collectors play an increasingly important role in surveying. The data collector serves as an interface between the total station and the computer and as an electronic assistant to...

Relational Model for Computer Analysis and Design
One of the most critical elements in engineering analysis and design is data management. Relational database systems have been proven to be an excellent tool for managing the voluminous...

Consulting Engineers' Experience with CAD
A general, brief history of the role of computers in design in consulting engineering practice is presented. Their changing role from their initial early use to today's involvement...

Long-Term Maintenance Dredging Permits - Florida's New Approach to Regulation
Previous approaches to regulating maintenance dredging activities in Florida generally have been myopic and failed to gather information that adequately reflects the needs for environmental...

The National Dredging Data Management System
The ADDAMS computer program is a collection of user-friendly computer models for planning, designing and managing confined disposal areas. Models which can be used to determine the size...

An Application of Acoustic Core Analysis
This technique has shown itself to be extremely successful at Roberts Bank, in a highly variable bottom material, where shallow depths were not a significant problem, and some borehole...

Scour and Fill Monitoring at Lock and Dam No. 26 (Replacement), Mississippi River
Information gathered during construction of the first stage dam is presented. The information consists of data indicating flows and stages along with data obtained from surveys which monitor...

Analysis of Partially Filled Circular Storm Sewers
The classic design approach uses Manning's formula. Comparisons between analytical results obtained in this manner and the many available experimental results indicate substantial...

Discharge Characteristics of Labyrinth Weirs
The hydraulic performance of labyrinth weirs is developed from data obtained from flume studies and site specific models. Using dimensional analysis, an equation for the discharge is developed...

Ice Block Stability
A simple formulation of the forces acting on an ice block in contact with an intact ice cover is presented. Underturning of the ice block is the assumed mechanism by which the block is...

LTER and Management of the Upper Mississippi River
The Upper Mississippi River is managed for multiple use by two federal agencies and five states. System management objectives include commercial navigation, commercial fisheries, minimum...

The SNOTEL Data Acquisition System Design, Operation, and Uses
The Soil Conservation Service (SCS), U. S. Department of Agriculture, coordinates measurement of the winter snowpack in the Rockies, Sierra Nevada, Cascades, and other major mountain ranges...

Standard Hydrologic Exchange Format (SHEF) for Automated Data Transmission
The Standard Hydrologic Exchange Format (SHEF) is a standardized system of encoding data transmissions for both manual and automated processing. SHEF features include (a) readability by...

Analyzing Infrastructure Condition�A Practical Approach
New York City and Philadelphia are using a new method of analyzing existing data to develop sensible, economical water main replacement programs. By analyzing readily available data on...

Annotated Bibliography on Urban Design Storms
This bibliography summarizes significant publications in the area of urban design storms. References are assigned one or more of the following classifications: (1) Time distributions (hyetographs);...

Current Status of Urban Hydrology in Japan
After World War II the devastated Japanese landscape was ravaged repeatedly by heavy typhoons causing severe damages. Nevertheless, a hydrological data acquisition system was not adequately...

Current Status of Urban Hydrology in Nigeria
Urban hydrological research is largely in its infancy in Nigeria. Most cities are unplanned and unsewered. There is no Hydrological Research Institute and only two or three Universities...

Journal of Surveying Engineering
The Journal of Surveying Engineering covers the broad spectrum of surveying and mapping activities encountered in modern practice. It includes traditional areas such as construction surveys, control surveys,...





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