Anoxic-Aerobic Activated Sludge Treatment
An activated sludge system was operated at a relatively low SRT of 1-2 days at the City of Phoenix to meet secondary treatment requirements. Operating MLSS concentrations were 400-600...

Crossflow vs. Counterflow Air Stripping Costs
Crossflow towers offer a potential economic advantage over counterflow towers due to savings in fan power costs as well as material costs. These savings increase as contaminant volatility...

Destruction of VOC's By Thermal Oxidation
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 call for the regulation of 189 air toxics and requires control standard benchmarks of Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT). These emissions...

Air Stripping of Refinery Effluent for TC Compliance
In order to manage the risk that the water effluent may at times exceed the limits of the USEPA final Toxicity Characteristics (TC) rule which came into effect on September 25, 1990, a...

Biological Methods for Air Decontamination: Modeling Hydrocarbon Removal
Bench-scale tests indicate biofilter treatment of gasoline and diesel with activated carbon support media is first order, while removal of ethanol on compost is zero order. Treatment of...

Design Considerations for Control of Volatile Organic Compounds at Wastewater Treatment Facilities
New federal and state regulations require publicly owned treatment works (POTW's) to consider emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC's) as potentially significant...

Modeling Emissions from Aerobic Treatment Systems
A mathematical model has been developed specifically for accurately quantifying the dispersion of emissions in the near vicinity of a groundlevel area source. This model accounts for variations...

Case Studies of POTW Air Toxic Emission Tests and a Proposed Emission Control Strategy
Air toxic emissions and associated human health risk at wastewater treatment plants can be reduced with a phased implementation strategy. An evaluation of major conventional secondary...

Modeling Analysis of CSO Impacts in a Tidal Basin
Short duration intensive inflows of combined sewer overflows (CSO) to marine tidal basins create stratified water quality for limited periods of time. Accurate assessment of water quality...

The Ozone Layer: A Critical Analysis of the Management of Public Policy for Fluorocarbons
As environmental public policy becomes increasingly extensive it continues to have greater impact on the lives of each American. The management of the public policy formation process varies...

Probing the Golden Gate
The Golden Gate Bridge has just come through the most detailed analysis ever attempted in its 53-year-old history. This analysis was squeezed into a desktop computer that calculates twice...

Digital Governor Application ? Bradley Lake Project
The Bradley Lake Project has two impulse turbines rated at 60 MW each to provide power to the Railbelt region of Alaska. Solid state digital governors are utilized to respond to system...

Deflector Synchronizing and Governing
This paper is a survey of deflector control speed govern impulse turbines for synchronization to a grid, and for isolated operation. There are several advantages to deflector control versus...

Optimal Real-Time Control of Hydroelectric Power Plant Using Dynamic Programming
In this paper, an approach of optimal real-time control of hydroelectric power plant operations is presented. The methodology is based on a dynamic programming technique where the original...

Hand Held Powerhouse Control Console or Portable Data Terminal
The Portable Data Terminal (PDT) is a very small light weight hand held computer terminal that communicates with the control system computer by radio. An operator monitors power plant...

Optimising Electric Power From a Small Scale Hydro Plant
The paper summarizes new development in electrical power generation from small scale hydro prime movers. It describes various methods of power generation such as CSCF (Constant speed constant...

Manasan Ice Control Structure Rehabilitation & Bypass Designs
Ice control works built on the Burntwood River at Manasan Falls were damaged during the 1985 spring break-up. The ice boom had broken and the lowered pond level indicated that the rockfill...

Total Quality Planning
When it comes to major unit maintenance, 'total quality results' require an investment in 'total quality planning.' The successful replacement...

Application of Personal Computers to Field Flow Measurement
Flow measurements are often necessary to verify the performance of hydro turbines for regulatory, contractual, or engineering purposes. Historically, several methods utilizing various...

A Study of a Flood Control Levee Swamp System
In an attempt to reconstruct the events of the more than 100-year 1987 New Year's Eve storm that occurred on Oahu, Hawaii, an analysis of a complicated overland flow phenomenon...





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