Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Shear Transfer
This study was focused on the dynamic response of concrete interfaces under the effects of impulsive loads, and the relationship between the interface shear transfer and the response in...

Nondestructive and Destructive Testing of a Three Span Skewed R. C. Slab Bridge
A three span, skewed, reinforced concrete slab bridge was field tested to destruction by the authors. Before the actual destructive test, nondestructive tests were performed to determine...

Simulated Field Trials of Non-Destructive Concrete Test Methods for Highway Structures
The data presented results from a two year Strategic Highway Research Program investigation into suitable NDT methods for determining the early age, and residual strengths of highway structures....

Nondestructive Crack Identification by Acoustic Emission Analysis and Ultrasonic Frequency Response
Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) by the acoustic emission (AE) analysis and the ultrasonic testing (UT) on the spectral (frequency) response is studied to identify crack geometry. AE waveform...

Review of NPP Concrete Degradation Factors and Assessment Methods
Degradation of concrete in nuclear power plant (NPP) structures can be an age-related phenomena. Several research programs have been initiated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission...

Pullout Testing of High-Strength Concrete Members
An experimental investigation of a high-strength concrete mixture was undertaken to measure and evaluate pullout and compressive strength properties. Two columns, a slab, and cylindrical...

Concrete Surface Characterization Using Optical Metrology
The displacement of the surface of a concrete specimen is measured as it cures using an optical method. This method, known as optical metrology, is one in which a line is projected onto...

Shrinkage Measurements in Composite Beam Slabs
When the concrete slab on a composite beam shrinks, it is restrained by the steel beam to which it is connected. Tensile stresses, as a result, are developed in the restrained concrete...

Reassessing the Risk Assessment
Risk assessments should help an engineer determine cost-effective remedies to environmental pollution. Unfortunately, most don't. Most assessments drastically overestimate...

VOCs: The New Effluent
The Clean Air Act of 1990, in addition to many state and local regulations, has officials of publicly-owned treatment works (POTWs) shifting their focus, and funds, to air toxic emissions...

Landfills: Anatomy of Automated Design
California's 360 acre Bee Canyon landfill (completed last year) sits amid a complicated network of narrow canyons with side slopes 300 ft high. As with most landfill projects,...

Dynamic Compaction of Nuclear Waste
When ponding, caused by settlement of the original soil cover over low-level nuclear waste buried at the Department of Energy's Savannah River Nuclear Plant near Aiken, S.C.,...

The Environment is Good Business in France
The environmental movement is an important political concern in Europe with the Green party gaining ground in several nations. The European Economic Community is developing environmental...

Cleaning Up Chromium
From 1956 to 1985, the United Chrome Products plant in Corvallis, Oregon, took a steady toll on the environment. Leaky plating tanks and the discharge of rinse water into a disposal pit...

Howdy, Partner
Litigation has long been a nemesis to the construction industry. In recent years, contractors and owners have used innovative alternative dispute resolution (ADR) techniques, such as arbitration,...

Value Engineering at a Superfund Site
The Helen Kramer Landfill ranked fourth on the EPA's National Priorities List and the estimated cost of clean up was about $39 million. By value engineering selected parts...

Coal-Gas Conundrum
Manufactured gas from coal brought streetlights and clean cooking fuel to the late Victorian era, but a hundred years later their legacy isn't quite so beneficial. Investigators...

Controlling Nitrogen in Coastal Waters
Excess nitrogen in coastal waters is becoming a problem worldwide. Nutrients such as nitrogen come from sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, runoff from fertilizer and animal waste,...

Collective Excellence
Building Effective Teams
Collective Excellence: Building Effective Teams is the second volume in the ASCE Engineering Management Series. Within the series focus of...

Grouting, Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics
The proceedings of the 1992 ASCE Specialty Conference on Grouting, Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics, addresses advances in the state-of-practice, research and technological developments...





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