Concrete for Sealing Voids in Rubble Structures
Permeability of rubble-mound breakwaters and jetties to sand transport and wave transmission results in increased costs for dredging and navigation. Guidance is provided for economically...

A Design Manual for Coastal Fluidization Systems
This paper summarizes a recently completed design manual on fluidization systems to manage sand in the coastal environment for sand bypassing at inlets and harbor mouths and for creating...

Robust Approach to Wave Runup Calculation
Wind wave runup on a natural beach is examined for the case of an irregular wave forcing function. A pragmatic approach to the calculation of the runup time series and the corresponding...

Application of Extremely Low Altitude Photogrammetry for Monitoring Coastal Structures
Extremely low altitude mapping photography exposed from a helicopter is showing considerable promise in providing another method of extending the many benefits of photogrammetric data...

Remote Automated Wave and Water Level Monitoring System Deployed at Agat Harbor, Guam
Agat Harbor, Guam is a small boat harbor excavated from a coral reef flat and protected by a detached breakwater. An automated monitoring system was designed and installed to observe wave...

The Application of Technology to Solving Practical Problems
In this paper, the roles of the scientist, technologist, engineer, and manager are discussed to place them in perspective. A distinction is made between the coastal engineer' and practicing...

Role of the Coastal Engineer in Civil Engineering Practice
Coastal engineering is a specialized discipline of civil engineering that encompasses a wide variety of activities related to harbors, navigation, shore erosion and storm protection. Because...

Value Engineering in Coastal Design
A formal procedure of value engineering can be applied to coastal design to refine a design and reduce the construction costs. Despite the relatively simple technology and materials used...

Environmental Impact Analysis of Coastal Projects
It is fairly routine to describe the range of impacts that might occur as a result of a proposed improvement, but problems and controversy often accompany attempts to answer the more pressing...

Environmental Effects of Beaufort Sea Causeways
Two gravel-fill causeways have been constructed into the shallow nearshore Beaufort sea on the north coast of Alaska for the development of petroleum reservoirs. These long (4-8 km) structures...

Environmental Constraints Associated with Dredging in Southern California
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, is responsible for the maintenance dredging of twelve harbors along the Southern California coast, ranging from Morro Bay in the...

Ethical, Legal and Professional Responsibilities of Engineers to Owners and Contractors
Engineers are under legal, professional, ethical and moral duties to protect owners, contractors and third parties, including the general public against injuries and deaths and economic...

Sandbridge Virginia Oceanfront Seawall Arbitration Hearing: Some Lessons Learned for Coastal Engineers
A group of beach property homeowners claimed that their new oceanfront seawall was defective in design. A beefed-up design cost about $1.3 million more and they sought this amount from...

Cost Effective Risk Allocation for Coastal Engineering Projects
Project participants will benefit significantly by routinely taking a more systematic, structured, and global view of risk than is sometimes done at present. Enhanced and broadened cognizance...

Coastal Engineering Design Codes in the Netherlands
Dutch research strategy on water defences and the resulting coastal and hydraulic engineering design codes (technical documents) are briefly overviewed. Special attention is paid to organizational...

Our Aging Coastal Infrastructure
The River and Harbor Act of 26 May 1824, signed by President James Monroe, authorized the first involvement of the United States Federal government in the construction of harbor works...

Should the U.S. Accept the Concept of Navigable Depth?
Navigable depth is defined as the maximum depth of water from the chart datum that is safe to accept as the bed of the channel, such that damage does not occur to a ship's hull and maneuverability...

Pay As You Grow
In Florida, the local plans are in, the dickering is almost done. Now, before a new housing or office development is permitted adequate infrastructure must be in place�concurrently. At...

Retrofitting a Landmark
A decade after it was abandoned, a famous sixty year old tire factory has been rehabilitated as part of a $118 million adaptive mixed-reuse commercial-office mall known as the Citadel....

A Case of the Shakes
New York City's unusual Terrace on the Park offers dining and dancing in a catered ballroom that stands six stories above the ground on four supercolumns. But when guests...





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