New Use for Filter Fabric: Highway Construction
A growing area of filter fabric use is road construction, both secondary and superhighway. The article focuses on one case history in Cambridge, Maryland where, after a one-year test,...

Energy Research Needs and the Civil Engineer
In June 1979 a National Science Foundation�ASCE workshop was convened to prepare a report suggesting top-priority research needs in civil engineering for the 1980s. The field was split...

Stub Girders Cut Steel Use
One innovation in steel building construction, now 10 years old, is the steel stub girder floor framing system. By using a girder that is a composite of steel girder, metal deck and lightweight...

Do Federal Grants Distort a City's Capital Investment Priorities�
The availability of federal grants in some areas and no grants in others sometimes leads to absurd distortions in a city's true capital investment needs. Under construction...

Top Highway Problems: Finance and Maintenance
The nation's highway departments say their number one problem is inadequate funds. Congress and the Federal Highway Administration are worried that, due to inadequate highway...

IRT�� New York City's First Subway
In October 1904, New York City opened its first subway, the Lexington Avenue IRT line. It was the nation's first subway to operate with trains of cars (Boston's...

Jacked Pipe Provides Roof for Underground Construction in Busy Urban Area
Construction of a major underground station for the metro in Antwerp, Belgium was done in a busy downtown area employing a method that virtually eliminated ground subsidence. The method...

A Cheap Solution to Pollution from Combined-Sewer Overflows
Every time it rains, the surface waters of many of the older communities around the U.S. are polluted by a mixture of sanitary waste and stormwater. The problem: when the community sewers...

Winter Roads and Ice Bridges
In order to realize development of the La Grande hydroelectric complex in the James Bay Territory of northern Quebec Province, Canada, the cold weather had to be capitalized on for construction...

Threaded Rebars Spin Down Time
A rebar splicing technique was a major factor in saving two year's construction time on California's $33 million, 9000 ft (2743 m) Antioch Bridge. Rebar splicing...

Energy Conservation: Long-Overlooked Cheap Source of Energy
With a well-organized conservation program, the U.S. could slash present energy consumption 30% to 40%�� while still maintaining present living standards. But, to date, the U.S. has failed...

Repair and Strengthening of Old Steel Truss Bridges
During the early 1900's, numerous pin jointed steel bridge trusses were constructed throughout the United States. In the intervening years, these trusses were replaced by...

Water Systems '79
Proceedings of the ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management Division Specialty Conference, held in the University of Houston Hilton Hotel Center, February 25-8, 1979. Sponsored by...

Legal, Institutional, and Social Aspects of Irrigation and Drainage and Water Resources Planning and Management
Proceedings of the ASCE Irrigation and Drainage Division and ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management Division Specialty Conference held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State...

Pipelines in Adverse Environments
A State of the Art
The Conference us designed to establish communications between designers and users. The subjects covered are: Pipelines in the Ocean - design, construction and inspection; Routing, design...

Electronic Computation
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Electronic Computation, held at the Mudd Law Building, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, August 6-8, 1979. Sponsored by the Committee...

Current Trends in Design and Construction of Embankment Dams
This report is concerned primarily with the embankment itself although foundation and abutment treatment are considered essential elements of the embankment. It covers a broad range of...

First Annual National Conference on Recreation Planning and Development
Recreation planning and development is a multi-disciplined field involving engineers, planners, landscape architects, structural architects and other specialists active or interested in...

Guide to Investigation of Structural Failures
This guide contains a broad range of instructions and suggestions regarding structural failures. Topics include failure causes by project type, failure causes by structural type, failure...

Water Problems of Urbanizing Areas
Proceedings of the Research Conference on Water Problems of Urbanizing Areas, held in New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire, July 16-21, 1978. Sponsored by the Universities Council...





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