Urban Stormwater Management in Coastal Areas
The proceedings of the National Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management in Coastal Areas brings together the disciplines of urban stormwater management and ocean and coastal engineering....

Irrigation and Drainage
Today's Challenges
Thirty-nine papers presented at the 1980 specialty conference of the ASCE Irrigation and Drainage Division are included. The papers are divided into 12 major topics: 1) Challenge of maintaining...

Symposium on Watershed Management 1980
Making Watershed Management Work is the theme of the 1980 Symposium of the ASCE Watershed Management Committee, Irrigation and Drainage Division. In response to this theme, the papers...

Structural Design of Tall Steel Buildings
This is the second in the ASCE five-volume Tall Building series. It is a comprehensive reference record and guide to the design and behavior of tall steel buildings. The volume is divided...

Construction Risks and Liability Sharing
Extensive litigation, large claims, construction conflicts and long delays have been increasing at an alarming rate during the past decade the trend is unmistakable and the dollar magnitude,...

101 Uses for Earth Reinforcement
A mini-symposium on earth reinforcement held at the April 1978 ASCE national convention attracted participants from around the world; symposium papers form the basis of this paper. Methods...

Gabions: Economical, Environmentally Compatible Erosion Control
Not well known in this country, gabions have been in use for about 75 years in Europe. Gabions are wire baskets, filled with rock and wired together to form an erosion control or bank...

Seepage Cutoff Wall Installed Through Dam is Construction First
A new construction technique has been developed which provides a permanent solution to the foundation problems at Wolf Creek Dam. Muddy flows and sinkholes discovered in 1968 led to a...

Faults in Swedish and American Tunnel Practice: A Fable
Swedish and American practices in dealing with unanticipated geological conditions encountered during tunnel construction are contrasted. Swedish practice, illustrated with an actual example,...

Steel Plate Shear Walls Resist Lateral Load, Cut Costs
Two new buildings have a seldom-used stiffening system�� steel plate shear walls. Reasons for using them, rather than reinforced concrete shear walls or steel or concrete rigid frames,...

Highway History: Modern Turnpike Era Recounted
Early history of the development of revenue bond financing of transportation projects is outlined including advances in engineering technique and policies. The origins of the original...

Flood Studies Led to National Flood Insurance
Federal responsibility for flood insurance was decreed by Congress in 1956, after it realized that the private insurance could not alone bear the risk. Flood-plain management, a prerequisite...

Why Does a Federal Demonstration Project Succeed or Fail�
This is a condensed version of an article published in Science Magazine (Vol. 196, pp. 953-958, 27 May 1977). Authors analyzed 24 federally...

Ontario Writes New Bridge Code
In 1976, Ontario's Ministry of Transportation and Communications decided to write its own bridge design code, breaking away from the AASHTO code, because: (1)It wanted a metric...

Top-to-Bottom Construction in High-Rise Buildings
This top-to-bottom construction method, called jackblock is a cousin of lift-slab. The main components are the jack and concrete block, hence the name. The top story of a building is constructed...

Design and Construction of Long-Span Metal Culverts
Long-span metal culverts are built of corrugated-metal plates bolted together. They have spans exceeding 15 ft. Principal applications include use as drainage structures, grade separations,...

1977 Clean Air Act: Cheapest Way to Clean Up the Environment�
What impact is the Clean Air Act of 1977 having on American industry? Is the law the most cost effective way to clean up the nation's air? The power industry dislikes the...

World's Tallest Offshore Platform Stands in 1025 Ft of Water
During the summer and fall of 1977 and 1978, Shell Oil installed the world's deepest drilling and production platform in water. Located in 1025-ft of water at the Cognac tract...

Construction Risk: Who Pays�
A report is given on the January 1979 Construction Risk and Liability Sharing Conference sponsored by ASCE's Construction Division Committees on Contract Administration and...

The Computer Service Bureau: What Role Today�
Given the fact that minicomputers are finding their way into more and more engineering offices today, it is timely to ask: does the computer service bureau still have a role to play? This...





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