Learning to Love NDT
Sometimes overblown claims and the practical limitations of early nondestructive tests for concrete have left many civil engineers leery of NDT methods. While some are aware that NDT has...

Tomorrow's Schools
While what's wrong with education looms as a national concern, many communities are doing something positive about it. They're constructing new schools designed...

Small Systems Struggle
Across the U.S., small communities are caught in a bind. Local governments bear the primary day-to-day burden of caring for public works, responsible for 70% of the nation's...

Rail Revival
Rail transit appears to be on the upswing. More than 30 cities are building, extending or seriously considering new rail-transit systems, according to a recent report from the Regional...

Designing Reinforced Rock
The reinforced rock arch design method has been used to stabilize coal mine excavations for 40 years, but so far has been applied to only a few tunnels. The use of rock reinforcement develops...

The Heartbeat of the Artery
One of the most ambitious infrastructure megaprojects in recent memory, Boston's $5 billion Central Artery runs the gamut of civil engineering disciplines. Design, highway,...

Staffing Up for a Major Program
A nine-member construction management section must pilot a $335 million, multi-project capital improvement program over the next five years. Should construction management duties automatically...

Dams Going Safely over the Top
Many older dams can't pass updated design floods without overtopping the embankment crest. Conventional upgrade methods, enlarging spillways or raising crests, are expensive....

Coastal Engineering?The Past!, The Present!, The Future?
The author discusses past and present practices of coastal engineering, and speculates on the diredctions that the profession will take in the future. Also discussed is the question of...

Numerical Beach Profile Modelling for Beachfill Projects
The use of beachfill in addressing coastal erosion problems is becoming increasingly popular. It is often more attractive than the conventional structural approaches for economic, aesthetic...

Coastal Geomorphology and Sand Budgets Applied to Beach Nourishment
It is commonly assumed beach nourishment projects are more successful if applied over long distances of shoreline. Short projects tend to unravel at the ends as the bulge formed by the...

Experience with Beach Fill Equilibration and Recommended Design Guidelines
Well documented engineering procedures suitable for determining design berm dimensions subsequent to profile equilibration appear to be lacking. Failure to properly account for cross-shore...

Hampton, New Hampshire: Beach Nourishment Project
An ongoing program of beach nourishment at Hampton Beach, Hampton, New Hampshire is a success and has resulted in long term use of a recreational facility at one of the most popular resorts...

Beach Nourishment with Aragonite and Tuned Structures
The first full-scale use in the United States of imported aragonite sand for beach restoration was undertaken at Fisher Island, Florida, between December 1990 and April 1991. About 20,000...

Sea Defence System at Herne Bay, England
This paper reviews the investigations carried out into the design of the proposed now sea defences fronting the central area of Herne Bay on the North kent coast. The existing defences...

Short Beach Nourishment Fill Performance on an Irregular Coatline
A review of the beach nourishment fill performance literature reveals that the accepted and proven theories of beach fill performance can be categorized as either one-line models or analytic...

Monitoring of the 1988 Boca Raton Beach Nourishment Project
During July and August of 1988, approximately 843,000 cm of sand was placed along a 2.3-km stretch of beach in Boca Raton, Florida. Post-cosntruction monitoring of the beach nourishment...

Mitigation of Harbor Caused Shore Erosion with Beach Nourishment Delayed Mitigation, St. Joseph Harbor, MI
St. Joseph Harbor MI. was the first Corps of Engineers Section 111 erosion-mitigation project to be built. Between 1 Jun 76 and 5 Aug 85, about 1,067,000 cy of fine sand was placed in...

Gravel Equilibrium Beach Design for Arresting Shore Erosion at Flathead Lake, Montana
Erosion of the north shore of Flathead Lake, Montana, is caused by summer wind waves generated along a 22-mile fetch. The preferred method for arresting erosion there is a beach composed...

An Overview of Segmented Offshore/Headland Breakwater Projects Constructed by the Buffalo District
Since 1977 the Buffalo District has constructed three segmented offshore breakwater projects and currently has one under construction. In addition, the District has recently completed...





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