Concrete-pavement Recycling could Slash Rehab Costs 30%
During the past few years, the recycling of highway pavements, especially asphalt pavements, has been in the news. Yet one promising development has drawn little attention: the recycling...

Structural Failures
A relatively few, spectacular failures of new buildings have caught the public attention. Despite the publicity, the track record of structural designers is generally outstanding. Nevertheless,...

Employee Appraisals: Define and Motivate High Standards of Performance
The committee on Engineering Management at the Individual Level (EMIL) conducted a survey of civil engineering consulting firms' employee appraisal programs. The purpose of...

Vacuum Sewers�� the Future for Sewage Collection�
Patented in the 19th Century, vacuum sewers are making a comeback. Vacuum is created and maintained at a central collection station and extended, through a network of collecting pipes,...

The Engineer as Expert Witness
Increased specialization in technical fields and the increasingly litigious nature of our society have resulted in a great deal of collaboration between lawyers and engineers in litigation...

Long Span Roof Structures
The papers included in these proceedings treat a wide range of technical topics related to long span roof structures including new structural concepts, structural stability, the effects...

A Guide to Urban Arterial Systems
The urban arterial system, a link between freeways and local streets, provides for the efficient collection, distribution, and transition of traffic among freeways, collector streets,...

Design of Water Intake Structures for Fish Protection
This publication presents the results of a study on available technical information on the characteristics of water intake structures designed to eliminate or reduce damage to fish. Biological...

Construction of Power Generation Facilities
The impact of the present construction practice, codes, standards and regulations on the construction of power generation facilities is reviewed and examined in papers presented at the...

Planning and Environmental Criteria for Tall Buildings
The role of the tall building in the urban habitat and its interaction with urban systems is examined. It ranges over the full spectrum of engineering, architecture and social sciences....

Inland Waters '80
Abstracts are presented for the seventy-three papers delivered at the conference, Inland Waters '80. Topics of discussion include United States and Canadian water management...

Civil Engineering Applications of Remote Sensing
<p>Remote sensing techniques have come a long way since photographs were taken from hot air balloons in the 1850s. Now, the highly sophisticated field of remote sensing is providing...

Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Systems
Although technical literature concerning the planning, design and construction of irrigation and drainage projects is extensive, this manual aims to fill the gap concerning the operation...

Appropriate Technology in Resource Conservation & Recovery
Six contributions to proceedings of an October 1979 ASCE workshop deal with both developing and industrial countries. A review of debris accumulation in urban areas reveals archaeological,...

Implementing Highway Safety Improvements
The goal of the ASCE Specialty Conference on Implementing Highway Safety Improvements was to enhance the safety of our nation's highways by identifying the best, most successful...

Case Studies of Applied Advanced Data Collection and Management
Sponsored by the Committee on Advanced Data Collection and Management Systems of ASCE. This casebook offers examples of civil engineering practices...

Coastal Zone '80
One hundred thirty-nine papers presented at the second symposium on coastal and ocean management are included. Authors are planners, engineers, government administrators and environmentalists....

Improved Hydrologic Forecasting
Why and How
This conference was structured to achieve several purposes. High on the list was to share lessons that were learned during the drought of 1976 and 1977 with practicing hydrologists. During...

Pile Field Support Prefabricated Plants Floated into Place
A unique pile support system, combined with earth dikes and superflooding inside an earth drydock to found floating, prefabricated plant structures on the piles, is estimated to have saved...

Marketplace Solutions to Air Pollution
EPA is promoting new approaches to achieve clean air standards: bubbling, offsetting, banking and emission fees. The programs are flexible, encouraging industry to find the cheapest, most...





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