Behavioral, Social, and Institutional Aspects of Risk Analysis
The paper summarizes the third session of the conference which discussed four items that become pitfalls for decision makers when neglected. These are parameter uncertainties as distinct...

Cryptosporidium and the Milwaukee Incident
In early 1993, Milwaukee, Wisconsin reported a sharp increase in the number of diarrhea patients and shortage of over the counter drugs for diarrhea control at local pharmacies. This increase...

Comparison of Biological and Chemical/Physical Iron Removal
The report compares the efficiency of chemical/physical and biological iron removal processes during the entire filter cycle. The results of the first three pilot studies performed in...

Beneficial Use Alternatives for Water Treatment Plant Residuals
The beneficial use alternatives which are currently in practice for water treatment plant residuals and their relative advantages and disadvantages are summarized in this paper. The alternatives...

Beneficial Use of Ash: An Innovative Approach to Sludge Management
Disposal of ash resulting from the incineration of municipal sewage sludge has historically been a relatively easy, albeit, expensive requirement. The traditional method of disposal is...

Modifying One of the Nation's Most Successful Biosolids Lime Stabilization Operations
Since 1978, the Vallejo, California, Sanitation and Flood Control District has managed a tremendously successful biosolids program consisting of lime stabilization and agricultural land...

Assessing Roughing Filtration Design Variables
Rural communities are affected by the surface water treatment rule and are looking for inexpensive filtration options which are easy to operate and maintain. This paper evaluates roughing...

Clarifier Enhancements Yield Excellent Performance
The critical role of final clarifiers in meeting effluent permit requirements in indisputable. Poor performance of the final clarification step may adversely affect effluent quality. Experience...

Analysis of Biomass Distribution and Chemical Interactions in Nitrifying Biofilms
Steady-state models of nitrifying biofilms are developed taking into account the mass transfer of neutral and ionic species, electroneutrality, pH-dependent Monod kinetics, chemical equilibrium,...

Pilot Test on Groundwater Organics Removal by Low-Pressure Membranes
A 1-year membrane pilot study has been performed to evaluate disinfection-byproduct (DBP) precursors and color removal by low-pressure membranes from groundwater with color values up to...

DBP and Hardness Control by Membrane Filtration
Ultra (UF) and nanofiltration (NF) were evaluated for removal of disinfection by-product (DBP) precursors and hardness from Rio Grande water in New Mexico and Texas. In order to compare...

Assessment of BNR Systems in Florida
Operating data from eight, full-scale, single-sludge, biological nutrient removal (BNR) wastewater treatment facilities in Florida were collected and evaluated. Three types of BNR facilities...

Treatment of Drinking Water Containing Bromate and Bromide Ions
Granular activated carbon and reverse osmosis nanofiltration and hyperfiltration were examined for both bromate and bromide ion removal using surface treated water in New Jersey. Bromate...

Evaluation and Management of Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Lake Tahoe Watershed
Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, one of the most oligotrophic lakes in the world, is experiencing decreased water clarity and increased periphyton growth, and water supplies drawing from...

Achieving Adequate BMP's for Stormwater Quality Management
There is considerable controversy about the technical appropriateness and the cost-effectiveness of requiring cities to control contaminants in urban stormwater discharges to meet state...

Modeling Pollutant Fate and Transport in Constructed Wetlands
The Constructed Wetlands Fate and Aquatic Transport Evaluation Model (CWFATE) was developed to evaluate alternative design and operations of the constructed wetlands treatment system (CWTS)...

Miami International Airport Stormwater NPDES Plan
Miami International Airport (MIA) is endeavoring to essentially double its traffic volume by the turn of the century. This is a great challenge since the site is already highly developed....

Control of Odor and VOC Emissions at Wastewater Treatment Plants -Boston Harbor Case Study-
Siting of the new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) for the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) in Boston was based on an assumption of mitigation of total reduced sulfur (TRS)...

Nitrification in Single-Stage Trickling Filters
An assessment of nitrification of municipal wastewater in trickling filters was performed using operating data from wastewater treatment facilities currently in operation. A survey of...

Measurement and Automatic Control of Chlorination
Chlorination is perhaps the most commonly utilized process for wastewater effluent disinfection. In Houston's plants sodium hypochlorite solution (bleach) is mixed with secondary effluent...





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