Postbuckling Behavior of Stiffened Composite Shell Panels
The paper summarizes the current status of an ongoing study on the postbuckling behavior of thick and moderately thick composite stiffened shells. Axially compressed moderately thick panels...

Applications of Viscoelastic Damper to Jointed Structures for Seismic Mitigation
Some structures, such as dams, are built with contraction joints that might carry some small tensile stresses. Such joints are expected to open and close during an earthquake. That will...

Leakage Characteristics of the St. Jude Heart Valve
The requirement for anticoagulant therapy in patients implanted with mechanical heart valve prostheses is well known. A plausible explanation for this requirement is that the leakage flow...

Intra Vena Cava Balloon Pumping
An innovative prototype intravenous hollow-fiber oxygenator was developed in 1984 by B.G. Hattler. The device consisted of a microporous, hollow-fiber membrane oxygenator inserted into...

An Evaluation Study of Modified Mohr-Coulomb and Cap Models
Two failure criteria, namely Mohr-Coulomb and cap models, are considered in this paper with some modifications. Mohr-Coulomb theory is applied to concrete after stress and strain cut-offs...

Mathematical Characterization of Fabric and Its Use in Mechanics of Geomaterials
Increased evidence of the influence of their discrete nature on the observed behavior of geomaterials has prompted a number of investigators to look at these materials at the microstructural...

The Effective Stress Path for Soil at High Pressure
The effect of increasing stiffness in the soil skeleton on the effective stress path in undrained triaxial compression tests is experimentally examined and found to not be significant....

Constitutive Equation for Granular Material by Hypoelasticity
Constitutive equations for soil based upon the incremental theory of hypoelasticity are proposed in this paper to account for the stress path dependency and dilatant behavior of soil....

The Morphology and Dynamics of Natural and Laboratory Grain Flows
Artificially generated sand flows that display considerable similarity with field examples on eolian dunes allow documentation of the relationships between grainflow scales and the characteristics...

A Sphere Moving Down an Inclined Bumpy Surface
A sphere moving down a bumpy incline in the air is studied theoretically and experimentally. A method based on the principle of energy conservation is used to express the average velocity...

Stochastic Mixed Finite Difference Method
Some aspects of numerical solutions of stochastic mechanics problems are considered. The Finite Difference method for discretization of stochastic continuous media problems is discussed....

Shear Resistance Models for Concrete Bridges
Statistical models are developed for the shear resistance of concrete bridge girders. Two structural types are considered: reinforced concrete T-beams and prestressed concrete AASHTO girders....

Fluid Dynamics at the Carotid Bifurcation
Arterial wall distensibility is believed to be of secondary importance to the general flowfield of the human carotid artery. However, it has been reported that it may have greater influence...

A Cumulative Failure Criterion of Concrete Under Uniaxial Dynamic Compressive Loading
It has been previously reported that the strength and critical strain of concrete under impact increase with strain rate, but neither of them can predict failure. A cumulative damage parameter...

Mechanical Properties of High Performance Concretes
This paper presents some of the initial results of a 4-year research project on mechanical properties of high performance concretes with particular reference to highway applications. High...

The Generalized Brazier Problem for Orthotropic Straight Tubes of Finite Length
A new engineering approach, based upon a mixed variational functional, is presented for the analysis of the nonlinear static behavior of thin-walled, circular-cross-section cylindrical...

Crushing Response of Energy Absorbing Composite Structure
A description of why and how composite structures crush and absorb energy is presented. The three primary crushing modes of composite structure (transverse shearing, lamina bending and...

Predicting the Performance Limits of Soil-Culvert Systems
A finite element model for elastic plastic large deformation analysis of soil-culvert systems is presented. Predictions of this numerical model are in good agreement with failure tests...

An Expert System for Impeller Mechanical Design and Analysis
Impeller is the most critical component of centrifugal compressors. The mechanical efficiency and durability of the impeller determines the performance of the compressors. The shapes and...

A New NDT Device for Comprehensive Pavement Maintenance (Theoretical Aspects)
A new nondestructive testing (NDT) device is being developed to detect some precursors to pavement distress. The principle of operation of the device is based upon the generation and detection...





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