Constructed Wetlands at Mesquite, Nevada
Subsurface flow (SF) wetlands are used to provide effluent polishing following treatment in an aerated lagoon at Mesquite, Nevada. General SF wetland design methodology is discussed in...

Project Peer Review Guidelines
Project Peer Review Guidelines, a joint effort of the American Consulting Engineers Council (ACEC) and the American Society of Civil Engineers...

Breaking Down the Barriers
The structural engineering of multistory buildings is a complex and time-consuming chore, but new design and analysis tools can greatly simplify the task. The article traces the development...

LRFD: Still Waiting
Introduced in 1986, load and resistance factor design (LRFD), has a way to go before it becomes standard practice for steel design. LRFD-based design typically results in savings on gravity...

Using Project Management Techniques in Hydro-Relicensing
To answer a pressing need for managing today's complex process and requirements of hydro relicensing, Central Maine Power Company (CMP) has applied the principles of project management,...

Double Radial Gates for the Brunau Ice-Retention Weir in Switzerland
During the springtime thaw, the River Sihl, which flows from the south into the city of Zurich, Switzerland, carries large quantities of ice flow. In 1968, to protect the footings of a...

Development of Hanford Site Lysimeter Facilities
Lysimeters have been constructed at the Hanford Site near Richland, Washington to quantify mechanisms that affect migration of radioactive and hazardous waste in geologic media. The history...

Source of Atrazine and Desethylatrazine in a River, During Base Flow
A budget of atrazine and desethylatrazine loads was computed for a 116-kilometer reach of the Cedar River in Iowa to determine where these compounds enter the river during base-flow conditions....

LISP or CLIPS: Selecting an Expert System Tool in Hydraulic Engineering
The transfer of Artificial Intelligence(AI) technology from the research laboratories to the scientific and engineering environments has been made possible by phenomenal advances in computer...

Sedimentation Aspects of Floodplain Management
This paper presents sedimentation aspects of a recent disastrous flood that occurred during September 10-12 1990 in the Han River basin, a central part of the Korean peninsula. The flood...

The Benefits of U.K. Guidance for Temporary Works
In British contracts the Contractor is responsible for the design and execution of temporary works unless the Design Engineer or the Client expressly instruct how the work is to be undertaken...

Current Legal Issues Impacting Temporary Works in Construction
There are two evolving areas of legal concern to the engineer and contractor involved in any aspect of temporary construction. The interpretation and application of the Occupational Safety...

Limit States Design of Wooden Formwork for Concrete Walls
Load and resistance factors are developed for ultimate limit states design of wooden formwork components for concrete walls when the lateral concrete pressures are computed using the ACI...

FHWA'S Bridge Temporary Works Research Program
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has developed a research program to address bridge falsework design and construction. This resulted from the collapse of the Route 198 bridge...

Development of Standards for Slipform & Jumpform Works
Review of past work indicates substantial effort has been made to publish construction standards and guidelines for slipforms but published material pertaining to jumpforms is scarce....

Fall Protection & Debris Containment During Construction
The purpose of this paper is to review the current practices in the United States for both fall protection and debris protection during high rise construction. A performance comparison...

Temporary Lateral Support System for Historic Building Facades in Boston
This paper describes a system of vertically cantilevered structural steel trusses, designed by the author, that provided temporary lateral support for a group of five and six story, 120...

Who Pays for the Unexpected in Construction: Hi-Rise Engineers Point of View
The unexpected in high-rise construction can be traced to design criteria evolving from environmental models and probes, as well as 3 general problems dealing with quality control in contract...

Construction and Robotics: Problems and Solutions
The role of robotics in construction, and the role played by construction engineers (CE's) is placed in perspective. Robot development, like machine manufacture, has always...

Design and Construction Integration Using Object Oriented Project Model with Multiple-Views
Generating, sharing and maintaining project data among multiple disciplines and throughout a project life cycle is difficult task in the highly fragmented A/E/C industry. Presently, the...





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