The Potomac Experience?A Forerunner of DPS
Thirty years ago, dramatic events were about to begin in Potomac River basin with the publication of a report of study recommending 16 major reservoirs and hundreds of small ones to solve...

The Role of Object Oriented Simulation Models in the Drought Preparedness Studies
One of the major activities in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Drought Preparedness Studies (DPS) has been the development of water resource simulation models for each study site. This...

Demonstrating Competition for a Limited Resource in the Cedar/Green Basins
An object oriented model building tool is used to develop two river basin simulation models. The models will be used to help manage the water resource during dry years in the Cedar and...

Including Expert System Decisions in a Numerical Model of a Multi-Lake System Using STELLA
During the drought of 1988, water users in the Kanawha River, West Virginia, became painfully aware of conflicting uses that have developed since the 1970s. A numerical modeling of the...

Multiparty Model Development Using Object-Oriented Programming
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) has taken advantage of recent advances in object oriented programming to build a flexible input and output model of its water supply...

Bringing People, Policies, and Computers to the Water (Bargaining) Table
Droughts have been defined terms of hydrometeorological terms; however, a Water Control Manager realizes that droughts are also a function of demands. During the drought of 1988, water...

Monthly Water Balance for Blue Nile River Basin in Ethiopia
The objective of this study was to present existing stream flow data for the Blue Nile River and tributaries within the Blue Nile River basin in Ethiopia and to use that data to provide...

Groundwater Contaminant Transport at a Hazardous Waste Disposal Site, Pullman, Washington
Groundwater contamination at a hazardous waste site near Pullman, Washington is simulated by a numerical model. The aquifer at the site is classified as an unconfined valley aquifer. Solute...

Optimal Strategy for Aquifer Remediation
A methodology for the restoration and cleanup of existing subsurface contaminated sites and for the contaminant of pollutants is developed. The remediation problem is posed as an optimization...

Optimum Operation of Recharge Basins
Mathematical models based on nonlinear programming are developed for operating recharge basin systems. The objective of these optimization models is to determine the operation policy that...

The Strategic Development of a Sole Source Aquifer to Improve Water Quality While Minimizing Environmental Impact
A water supply project is currently underway which prevents future degradation of a sole source aquifer while providing a groundwater resource with limited usage restrictions. Salt water...

A Comparison of Short Term Forecast Methods for Municipal Water Use
Water utilities routinely develop long range demand forecasts for use in the normal planning activities. In recent years, many utilities have sought to develop more short-term demand forecasts...

Flow Investigation for Landfill Leachate
A two-dimensional unsteady-state moisture flow model has been developed in order to describe the leachate flow process in a landfill. The unsteady variation of leachate mound head has...

The PULSEQUAL Model: Using Combinations of Simple Mathematical Equations to Evaluate Complex Storm Effects on Water Quality
Storm discharges (stormwater and combined sewer overflows) have transient and highly variable impacts on receiving waters. Simple water quality equations have been developed to accurately...

Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Planning Based on SWMM EXTRAN Modeling
This paper discusses use of the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), with the EXTRAN block as the hydraulic transport mechanism, as a tool for developing a facilities plan for abating...

Storage of Combined Sewer Overflow: How Effectibe is it Anyway?
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the importance of modeling long term rainfall records to evaluate the effectiveness of combined sewer overflow storage. This paper will present...

Continuous Simulation Modeling for Sewer Systems
The peaking-factor method of sanitary sewer design was developed to simplify the calculations in determining design flow rates. This method of analysis is conservative to the point that...

Alternatives Analysis Using Two-Dimensional Modeling for the Owensboro Bridge and Approaches
The Federal Highway Administration plans to design and construct a new bridge over the Ohio River near Owensboro Kentucky. A hydraulic model with two-dimensional capabilities was utilized....

Impact of Spatial and Temporal Data Limitations on the Modeling of Runoff Quantity and Quality
A small subbasin within an urbanized watershed (Reno, Nevada) was intensively monitored for runoff quantity and quality. The EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) was applied to simulate...

F. E. Everett Turnpike: An Application of MOSS
MOSS surface modeling software is being used successfully by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, Inc., on a major project for the New Hampshire Department of Transportation to make improvements...





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