Making Amends with Nature
The U.S. salmon population has been decimated in the last half-century, principally because of hydropower. In the nation's focus on alternate and clean energy sources, fish...

Performance of a Large Ribbed Mat on Cohesive Soil
The performance of a 678-ft by 304-ft (207-m by 93-m) ribbed concrete mat was studied to provide improved soil input parameters for design. The mat was constructed on a low plasticity...

Interpretation of Instrumented Driven Steel Pipe Piles
This paper presents the results of a series of studies on the behavior of driven close-ended steel pipe piles. Extensive field explorations and geotechnical analyses have been carried...

Innovative Foundation Designs for Permafrost Conditions in the Arctic
This paper describes the engineering solution to restore the structural properties of permafrost at a site location in the Western Operating Area of the Prudhoe Bay Field. Steel pile supports...

Steel Structures
The seventy-eight papers included in this volume cover the fifteen sessions generally associated with steel structures presented at the Seventh Annual Structures Congress held on May 1-5,...

Adaptation of ANSI Standards for Communications Testing in the Connectionless Environment
American National Standards (X 3.102 and X 3.141) establish a uniform means for specifying, assessing and comparing performance of data communications systems and services from the point...

Risk of Waterborne Infectious Illness Associated with Diving in the Point Loma Kelp Beds, San Diego, CA
There is considerable interest in estimating the risk of bacterial and viral illness (i.e., disease, infection) associated with scuba diving in the Point Loma kelp beds located within...

Challenges Posed by Large-Scale Asbestos Abatement Projects in Occupied High-Rise Buildings
The challenges posed by a large-scale asbestos abatement project are great: providing a safe indoor environment for building tenants and property that is liability-free for the building...

Field Measurement of Topography at a River Mouth
The authors have been measuring topography and cross section at the river mouth of the Nanakita River, in Japan. Changes of short-time scale, such as straightening of the river channel...

River Training Works in Gezhouba Project on the Yangtze
A great number of research results of the river regime planning and river training work in Gezhouba Project on the Yangtze are described together with their application in the Project....

The Effects of Bank Protection on River Morphology
Revetment of bends with radius of curvature to width ratios (R/W) between 1.9 and 3.3 on Red River AR, and Sacramento River CA, does not cause the expected thalweg deepening and channel...

Challenging Site Conditions Lead to Unusual and Innovative Powerhouse Design Features
Pacific Gas & Electric Company's recently completed Newcastle Powerhouse is located on the shore of Folsom Lake near Auburn, California. The $26 million facility uses...

Design of Steel Tunnel Liners
The paper presents a detailed development of the fundamental equations for internal pressure design, considering an elastic interaction between the steel liner and the surrounding rock...

Managing the Columbia River to Meet Anadromous Fish Requirements
According to northwest fishery agencies and Indian tribes the protection for juvenile salmon and steelhead is not adequate. The Northwest Power Planning Council, formed as the result of...

The Construction of the Sidney A. Murray, Jr. Hydroelectric Power Plant
The project, consisting of eight 8.2m bulb turbines rated at 192MW, is located in the State of Louisiana and will use a portion of the water diverted from the Mississippi River to the...

Reduced O&M Costs through Better Metallurgy
There are many areas in hydroelectric power plants where better materials of construction can reduce operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. Some of the most nagging problems deal...

CAD Speeds Viaduct Replacement
Lack of an available detour around construction of a major viaduct spurred city officials in Reno, Nev. to build a bridge nearby to serve the purpose. Although funded separately, the permanent...

Storing Sediment and Freeing Fish
When Mount St. Helens erupted in May 1980, it sent a river of pyroclastic ash and other debris into Washington's North Fork Toutle River Valley. The resulting debris pile...

Post-Tensioned Transportation
Post-tensioned highways are relatively new. U.S. 220 near Altoona, Pa. has the first major installation in the country. There two miles of pavement are continuous concrete panels, each...

Unbonded Performance
Unbonded single strand tendons have been used in the U.S. for about 30 years. In a small number of buildings, strand corrosion failures have occurred. Although it is clear that post-tensioning...





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