Scale Effects of Overflow-Oriented Hydraulic Parameters for a High Dam
This paper presents the findings of prototype observation and model verification on the surface velocity, the range of nappe jetting, and the diffusion regime of the discharged flow related...

Characteristics of the Flood Release-Induced Vibrations with Qianshui Thin-Arch Dam
In this article the prototype observations and design analyses are described regarding the flood release-induced vibrations of the Qianshui thin-arch dam and its foundation; and their...

Application of the Generalized Channel Routing Model
Using the linear full dynamic finite difference model the applicability of diffusion and kinematic wave models is investigated. Two dimensionless numbers are suggested for applicable range...

Conservation Properties of Flow Simulation Models
The fundamental equations of fluid mechanics and hydraulics posses certain integral properties which should be maintained by their discrete analogs. In this paper the conservation properties...

The Method of Lines Solution of Unsteady Open Channel Flow Equations Along Characteristics
The method of characteristics (MOC) has long been considered as a natural procedure for solving transient flow problems. In this paper, by using the concept of the method of lines, the...

Comparison of Correction Factor for Dispersion Coefficient Based on Entropy and Logarithmic Velocity Profiles
Recently, new velocity distribution equations have been developed by Chiu (1987, 1989) through the use of maximum entropy principle. A comparison will be made of the correction factor...

Computational Open-Channel Hydraulics for Movable-Bed Problems
As a major branch of computational hydraulics, notable advances have been made in numerical modeling of unsteady open-channel flow since the beginning of the computer age. According to...

Pressure and Stress Distributions Due to a Submerged Impinging Jet
This investigation examines the pressure and shear stress distribution at a smooth planar boundary in the impingement region of a submerged vertical jet in water. The mean pressure and...

The Effect of Aeration on Scour
A vertical water jet was used to study the effects of entrained air, tailwater depth, size of bed material, jet diameter, and jet velocity on scour. Small amounts of entrained air were...

A Multimode Scheme of Characteristic Method for Open Channel Flows
This paper deals with the stability and accuracy of a multimode scheme, based on the method of characteristics, for unsteady one-dimensional open-channels flows. This scheme combines three...

Hermite-Galerkin Model for Dam-Break Floods
A model based on the finite element method using cubic Hermite basis functions and Galerkin weighting was formulated to solve the partial differential equations that govern unsteady one-dimensional...

Flow Field Near an Inland Navigation Tow
As a vessel moves through a body of water, disturbances are created in the form of altered water levels such as waves or drawdown and altered flow fields such as increased velocities and...

Prototype Measurements of Flows Induced by Navigation Tows
Present projections of growth of commerical navigation traffic indicate that annual tonnage per tow and/or number of tows will continue to increase through the foreseeable future. In order...

Comparison of Flush and Chamber Mounted Dynamic Pressure Transducer
Modeling of hydraulic structures often includes the measurement of dynamic pressure fluctuations. The accuracy of the pressure measurements depends upon the geometry of the tap. Flush...

Secondary-Flow Correction for Depth-Averaged Numerical Models
An empirical equation is proposed for the production and transport of secondary (streamwise) vorticity induced by lateral curvature in shallow water. The streamwise vorticity creates a...

Application of Weakly Compressible Flow Method to 2-D Open Channel Flows
The depth averaged equations for open channel flows are shown to be similar to that of the weakly compressible flows. The finite volume scheme developed for weakly compressible flows has...

Low-Head Drop Structure Hazards: Modeling of an Abrupt Drop Boat Chute
Low-head drop structures are dangerous for navigational and recreational boating in rivers. In an effort to reduce drowning hazards at low-head river drop structures, a boat chute bypass,...

Effect of Barrier Beach Breaching on Harbor Dynamics and Storm Surges
This paper presents a summary of the flood insurance study, commissioned by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to determine the 100-year flood elevation for Chatham, a seacoast town...

Hydraulic Geometry of Mississippi Hill Streams
Hydraulic geometry data based on field and office studies are presented for a series of streams in the Black Creek and Long Creek watersheds in the upland hills of Central and Northern...

Studies on the Physical Effects of Commercial Navigation Traffic in the Upper Mississippi River
Changes in water velocity caused by passage of commercial navigation vessels were measured 180-500 ft (55-152 m) from shore at River Mile (RM) 504.8 in Pool 14 of the upper Mississippi...





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