The Ozone Defense
Ozone is a molecule containing three oxygen atoms. When bubbled through drinking water, the third atom in ozone is attracted away by other molecules, a process called oxidation. This process...

Biological Treatment of Trichloroethylene
Trichloroethylene and related compounds such as cis- and trans-1,2-dichloroethylene and vinyl chloride are common contaminants of ground water in industrial areas. In oxygenated ground...

Malaysian National Coastal Erosion Study
This paper presents an overview discussion of the National Coastal Erosion Study for the Southeast Asian country of Malaysia which was conducted over a 15-month period ending in January...

Optimal Process of the Development of the Residential Area on the Coastal Zone
The concentration of population and assets through various types of development in the coastal zone in Japan is progressing rapidly at present. The conditions of the sea environment are...

The Canadian Experience with Coastal Zone Management
The concept of coastal zone management (CZM) emerged in Canada as a recognizable entity over 15 years ago. Today, the original goal of a national CZM program in Canada is generally considered...

The Location Study for Sea City as Residential Quarters
The objective of this study is to understand the spatial expansion created by community activities in the urban community, as a prior stage to calculate the off-shore distance in the location...

NOAA Weather Radio: The Source of Weather Information 24 Hours a Day
Weather plays an important role in the day to day affairs of coastal communities. The timely and accurate receipt of weather information is critical, especially during inclement conditions....

The Washington Public Shore Guide: Spotlight on Public Information
The development of the Washington Public Shore Guide: Marine Waters is traced from its early conception through publication in May of 1986 to the preparation of a supplement late in 1986....

The Oregon Coast Aquarium ? A Case Study
The Oregon Coast Aquarium, to be located in Newport, OR. , has been carefully developing over the past five years. Proposed as a coastal interpretive center, it will trace a water droplet...

The Importance of Large Landsat Data Sets for Isolating Sediment Resuspension Processes
An optical density analysis of Landsat film transparencies would show spatial variations of suspended sediment concentrations. The residual optical density profile inversely shows above...

Integrated Monolayer Flexible Revetment Technology for Coastal Protection
Fundamental considerations for flexible revetment design are given in some detail and the critical need for sound engineering in a total system design approach is strongly emphasized....

U.S. Port Commerce in Radioactive Materials (abstract)
In the ten-year period assessed, total radioactive materials handled at U. S. ports expanded by over 19,000 tons, which amounts to almost a 173 percent growth rate. This abstract refers...

Appraisal of Resources in the Saudi Arabian Gulf
The Kingdom's Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration (MEPA) has commissioned a major study of the natural resources, as well as an appraisal of coastal zone...

Quantification of Net Shore-Drift Rates in Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca
The objective in this study was to determine the annual rate of net shore-drift at selected sites within Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. These sites were selected based on...

Inlet Dredging Production as a Function of Sea State
This paper attempts to explain some of the inaccuracies and discrepancies in present methods of measuring dredging volumes and looks at a comparison of measured dredge volumes to natural...

Erosion Problems on Bay Beaches in the New York Metropolitan Area
The purpose of this study is to identify the shore processes and beach characteristics which affect planning and management of eroding bay shorelines by examination of problems at selected...

Beach Replenishment: The National Solution?
The records of more than 90 replenished beaches and more than 200 sand-pumping operations on East Coast barrier island shorelines, while fragmentary, reveal a wide range of experiences,...

Environmental Problems of the Albemarle-Pamlico Sound System
The Albemarle-Pamlico estuarine system is the second largest estuarine area in the United States. This system consists of 2 large coastal lagoons (Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds) with their...

The Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study
The Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study was formulated on the deep need to preserve the long-term productivity of a unique and complex estuarine system. As the traditional way of life in...

An Observational Model of Far-Field Transport
Accurate numerical simulation of the transport and fate of constituents in coastal waters is made difficult by the general inability to adequately specify open-water boundary conditions...





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