Surface Water Impoundments
One hundred sixty papers presented at a symposium on surface water impoundments are included, with the aim of providing analysis of existing impoundments and planning new impoundments...

Are American Utilities Sorry they went Nuclear�
The future of nuclear power in the U.S. will be determined in large measure by what the electric utilities decide to do. Very few electric utilities are planning to build more nuclear...

Jersey Drought Hastens Water Supply Project
As 1980 ended, water supply reservoirs in northern New Jersey were perilously low, causing the governor to declare a water emergency and insist on water rationing. Although the Round Valley...

Will Nuclear Power Survive in New England
Presently, New England is among those U.S. regions most committed to nuclear power, with one-third of its electric power coming from the atom. The most pressing task is for the region...

Why Bother with Historic Preservation�
Two case histories are examined regarding old dams that were preserved because of their historic importance, as well as their practical use. One example concerns a dam that was exposed...

Japanese Tunnel Design: Lessons for the U.S.
The Japanese construction industry has a great deal to offer regarding designs, methods, and procedures that can efficiently overcome the tough physical and environmental constraints encountered...

Hazardous Waste Management in California: Lessons for the U.S.
California has what many say is the best hazardous waste management program in the U.S. In fact, the Federal government used the California program as the basis for a national plan for...

Hazadous Wastes Should be Destroyed by Incineration�Not Stored in Landfills; Cement Kilns Could do the Job
Presently, it is common practice to place in landfills various hazardous wastes. Yet, say some experts, landfilling these wastes is a mistake. Landfilling is not final disposal, but merely...

Stadium Completed Night Before Game
Construction problems with a major addition to the Clemson Memorial Stadium in Clemson, S.C., halted construction for four months. In order to make up the time, the design firm had to...

Better Ways to Finance Stormwater Management
A lack of adequate funds is the principal impediment to local governments in developing stormwater management programs. Several municipalities in the U.S. assess user charges to be paid...

GAO Finds Massive Failure of Wastewater Treatment Plants
A year-long study by the General Accounting Office of 242 wastewater treatment plants in 10 states concluded that discharge permit violations are the norm, not the exception. The failures,...

Critical Path Program for a Micro-Computer
This is the third article in Civil Engineering�ASCE's computer series. A BASIC program for analyzing project planning activities is explored. The program determines the critical...

Sulfer Extended Asphalt
Since the 1973 oil embargo, the Federal Highway Administration has researched and promoted the experimental use of a new pavement binder, sulfur-extended asphalt (SEA). In SEA paving mixes,...

Highway Applications of Geotextiles
The successful use of geotextiles on poor soils and water in highway subgrades and sideslopes is examined in this two-part article, In Lakeshore Resort Cuts Cost of Road Relocation with...

Improving the Civil Engineering Profession: Essay Contest
In the October issue of Civil Engineering, ASCE announced as essay contest on these issues: How can the civil engineering profession be improved? How can civil engineering works be planned,...

The Deep-Shaft Process: Bright Future for Treating High-Strength Wastewaters
A Deep-Shaft wastewater treatment process may reduce by 10 to 30 percent the power requirements and land area needed for a plant. The technique is most attractive for treating high-BOD...

A Home for the Navy's Trident Subs
On 7,000 acres near Seattle, Washington, sits the largest military base constructed in the U.S. since World War II. The Navy's multimillion-dollar Trident project, a combination...

Eden's Expressway Reconstruction: Model for Future Highway Rehabs
In the future, increasing miles of our interstate highways will have to be refurbished. Highway engineers may find some useful insights from the way the Illinois Division of Highways recently...

East Bay Waste Management: From Landfill to Park
A balancing act between public interests, government regulations, and a private concern evolved into a total waste-management system for the San Francisco Bay area cities. Civil engineers...

Civil Engineers Revitalize Ailing Inner-City Hospital
The reconstruction of the Cooper Medical Center in Camden, New Jersey, is described. The Medical facilities are part of the urban renewal plan for Camden. A unique feature of the project...





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