Bridging the Gulf
The Gulf War and saturation of traditional Middle Eastern markets have prompted Western firms to look into the United Arab Emirates, the wealthiest of the small states around the Arabian...

Overcoming the Woes of Worldwide Work
The author, a civil engineer based in Gibraltar, discusses a variety of pitfalls encountered in international practice, with case histories and lessons learned. They can be caused by differences...

Venezuela Turns to Port
Despite Venezuela's recent political troubles, geography and economics argue for a big increase in the country's port capacity. Oil has traditionally been the...

Projects on the Czech List
The Czech Republic's increasing reliance on the European Community as a trading partner has created a need for airports, power plants, an improved telephone system, new highways,...

Doing Business In...Bangkok: More than just Temples
Traffic is the most notorious problem afflicting foreign visitors, though air pollution and the enforcement of building codes (in the wake of a provincial hotel collapse in mid-1993) are...

High Performance Construction Materials and Systems
An Essential Program for America and Its Infrastructure?Technical Report
This report, High Performance Construction Materials and Systems: An Essential Program for America and Its Infrastructure - Technical Report...

High-Performance Construction Materials and Systems
An Essential Program for America and Its Infrastructure?Executive Report
Prepared by American Concrete Institute; American Institute of Steel Construction; American Iron and Steel Institute; ASCE; Civil Engineering Research Foundation; Concrete Research and...

Federal Public Works Infrastructure R&D
A New Perspective
Prepared by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation. This report provides an analysis of the federal role in public works infrastructure research...

Dynamic Response and Progressive Failure of Special Structures
This proceedings, Dynamic Response and Progressive Failure of Special Structures, consists of papers presented in the two sessions of the First...

A Nationwide Survey of Civil Engineering-Related R&D
Prepared by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation. Sponsored by CERF and the National Science Foundation, with technical support from Aspen Systems Corporation. ...

Calendar: Bridges 1994
Featured bridges are: Briggs Bridge (AK); Stone Arch Bridge (NY); Rio Grande Gorge Bridge (NM); Bridge Street Bridge (MI); Hennepin Avenue Bridge (MN); Egypt Pike Bridge (OH); William...

This chapter serves as an introduction to the book and its topics....

Dispute Avoidance
Dispute avoidance is not something that begins at ground breaking. Dispute avoidance is not a technique that helps you resolve the inevitable problems that arise during construction. Dispute...

Dispute Resolution
No matter how responsible the consulting engineer, certain disputes will arise that are simply unavoidable. The consulting engineer interacts with a number of parties, including owners,...

This chapter serves as a conclusion to the book....

Ideas, Communication, and Change
If you go to work for a local government, your first experience of an engineering organization may be of associates and supervisors pressuring you to accept the way things are. There is...

The Forms of Public Administration
Change is always difficult. Even when we want, and expect change we find it hard to accept, it never seems to take the form we expected. It is this lack of control over the form of change...

Doing Our Work Better
An important skill a new engineer must learn is how to figure out the real issues affecting a project. This skill requires the ability to screen many ideas. Engineers have got this skill...

Constituencies, Communication, and Civil Engineers
Go to work for a local government and the first impression you have is, there are many people in the game. Advice, suggestions, opinions, guesses, and sometimes even threats come from...

Managing Problems Associated with Using Computer Programs
Everyone says they want to use computers. Yet, there are still some people who avoid using computers whenever they can. Also, some managers still resist using the latest computer technology....





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