CPM-Cost Control by Computer
Originally published in Journal of the Construction Division, Vol. 103, No. 4, December 1977, pp. 593-609...

Analytical Methods in Transportation: Planning a Grading Operation for Least Total Cost
Originally published in Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, Vol. 89, No. 6, November/December 1963, pp. 47-66...

Intermediate Service Levels in Sanitation Systems
The major alternatives to sewerage are described and their potential for application in developing countries is explored. The reasons why conventional engineering practices have led to...

Measuring the Effects of Man's Wastes on the Ocean
Understanding the ecological effects of municipal wastewater discharged into the ocean depends on data developed by reliable measurements. Municipal wastes are largely residential sewage...

Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
The Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics is the tenth in a series of Specialty Conferences sponsored by the ASCE Geotechnical Division (formerly the Soil Mechanics and...

Pittsburgh's Troubled Bridges: What to Do About Them�
The Pittsburgh area is troubled by old bridges that are badly deteriorated. The metropolitan area has more bridges�� 1,700�� than any other. And some 66 of them have weight limits posted....

ASCE Met Section Striving to Make Civil Engineering Curricula More Practice-Oriented
Engineering education underwent rapid change in the late 1950's and early 1960's. The availability of large sums for research and the emerging aerospace and related...

Peer Review: Old Concept in New Situations
In the past, clients treated their engineering consultants as the fallible human beings they are. No longer is this true. Today there is more pressure, by clients and courts, for error-free...

Epoxies � Miracle Materials Don't Always Give Miracle Results
In civil engineering applications, in the past 15 years epoxies have become widely used and have given excellent performance in floor surfacing, corrosion protection, repair of cracked...

How Can Construction Specifications Be Improved�
Construction costs could be cut perhaps 5% to 10% if specifications were improved, as the ASCE survey of contractors discloses. Spec writers must have had responsible field experience....

Can California Cope With Its Mounting Sludge Volume�
In California, prohibition of ocean disposal of sludge, stringent air quality standards, high energy cost, and scarcity of suitable sanitary landfills make the sludge management problem...

Trench Cave-In: Contractor's Responsibility
The article Can Trench Cave-In Deaths Be Cut� in CIVIL ENGINEERING�ASCE, September 1977, states that the owner's engineer should accept responsibility for the design of temporary...

Full-Depth, Full-Width Design, and Prestressed Concrete Pave the Way for Arizona's Highways
In an attempt to resolve design problems of Arizona's non-reinforced portland cement concrete pavements, a series of test installations are being made involving a comparison...

Teaching Professionalism and Ethics
Controversies surrounding the meaning of the term professionalism are examined, as well as the influence of these controversies on what should be taught to engineers in courses on professionalism....

West Coast Consulting Firm Gets Large Minicomputer to Keep Pace with Growth
This article tells the story of computer use in a medium-sized consulting engineering firm in the water resources field, Boyle Engineering Co., of Newport Beach, Calif. In the mid 1960's,...

Flood Control Planning in Albuquerque
In 1973, a 42-mi� area adjacent to Albuquerque, New Mexico, was about one-third developed, and drainage problems were evident. The area is on an alluvial fan at the foot of the Sandia...

Trans Alaska Pipeline
This is one of the most extraordinary projects contending for the OCEA awards. Examples: the 360 mile haul road built in one summer; the 29 construction camps, self-contained cities to...

Newark Airport Pilots Cost-Saving Runway Paving Concept
The NYC Met Section nominee for the 1978 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award was the expansion of Newark International Airport. The $200 million redevelopment included a new...

Isn't a Subway for Washington, D.C., Just the Thing�
After 100 years of dreaming and 10 years of design and construction, more than 22 miles and 28 stations of the Washington, D.C., Metro are now in revenue operation. When completed in 1983,...

The Renaissance of Downtown Detroit
The Detroit Renaissance Center consists of a 70-story hotel (one of the world's tallest) and 4 39 story office towers, plus restaurants, retail stores, and movie theaters....





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