World's Largest Installation of Fabric-Formed Pile Jackets
One major feature of fabric forming is permeability. One application of this technique is protective encasement of steel H and pipe piles at a major pier in Chile. The Huachipato Pier...

Financing Water Projects: Count on Uncle Sam Less!
The federal government has been the chief underwriter of many water resources projects in the U.S., but now changes in the Administrtion's policies have spurred new directions...

Cold Regions Engineering in Norway
The use of insulating materials is a key factor in cold regions engineering in Norway. It is applied in road construction in areas where frost heave and reduced bearing capacity would...

Causes and Preventions of Lamellar Tearing: Engineer's Notebook
Within the past 10 years, a steel cracking problem, lamellar tearing, has arisen after welding of thicker sections and higher-strength steels. A separation underlying a weld joining plate...

Natural Treatment Systems in Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Management
Criteria defining performance of natural wastewater treatment and sludge management systems are presented. Objectives of natural treatment systems are to help treat municipal wastewater...

Trouble Shooting ChemicaLly Resistant Masonry
This paper is a series of case histories showing specifically how lack of understanding of the nature of the materials and their proper uses has caused failure in design, specification,...

Will Reforms Improve Sewage Treatment Plant Performance?
After an exhaustive investigation, a Congressional subcommittee recommended more than 20 legislative and administrative reforms aimed at improving performance and economy of the wastewater...

Emerging High Performance Structural Plastic Technology
Structural plastics have forced their growth by better performance over conventional materials in hostile environments. Demand by industry for increased life of process equipment and structures...

Managing Liability
The Individual's Challenge, the Organization's Challenge, the Project Manager's Challenge
These proceedings are the papers presented during the 1982 Spring Convention of the American Society of Civil Engineers to determine how engineers can live with, manage, and limit liability....

Application of Walls to Landslide Control Problems
The evolution of tieback restraint systems is presented. Case histories describe current practices for tieback design and construction and give examples of how the requirements were met...

Reducing Risk and Liability through Better Specifications and Inspection
Papers presented at the Conference on Reducing Risk and Liability through Better Specifications and Inspection, and transcripts of the ensuing discussions are included in these proceedings....

The LOOP Project: Taking the Ship to the Port
(1981 OCEA Award Winner.) LOOP�the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port�is a $700 million, multi-faceted project for the unloading of oil directly from...

Bloomington Lake�Potomac River Water Resources Project
The recently completed $174 million Bloomington Lake project has improved flood control and water quality to the benefit of millions of people downstream. The headwaters of the Potomac...

Spilled Petroleum Recovered from Atop Water Table
An undetected oil spill endangered the Mississippi Aquifer and the people who lived nearby. A thorough engineering analysis determined a solution. A containment procedure and recovery...

Orlando International: Airport of the 21st Century
The latest technology in airport design from the apron overlays to the terminal itself was incorporated at Orlando International, the nation's fastest growing airport. Now...

Water and Energy
Technical and Policy Issues
Industrial, political, legal, hydrological, and environmental issues surrounding development of energy and associated water resources are examined in this collection of papers presented...

Steel Structures Provide Flexibility
The steel structures of several major buildings are evaluated by the structural engineers responsible for the design and construction. Included are the Park Avenue Atrium in New York;...

For Office Buildings: Long Span Concrete Slabs
A survey of 36 office buildings in the United States and Canada featuring long span concrete slabs showed concrete is a technically feasible and cost effective material for office structures....

Engineering Schools Respond to Financial Crisis
A mail survey of the 200-plus civil engineering departments at engineering schools asked each chairman for a case history of response to the financial and other crises facing the departments....

L.A.'s New Maintenance Management System: Key to Survival in an Era of Tight Budgets
Even in the wake of budget-cutting Proposition 13, the Los Angeles County Flood Control District was able to cope with their maintenance needs. Their secret was a major overhaul in their...





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