Quality Assurance for Cold Regions Construction
Quality Assurance for cold regions construction begins at the design stage. Unique civil, structural, material and equipment requirements for the severe arctic environment and continuous/discontinuous...

Cold Regions Safety
Presented here are some essential basics for the development of a comprehensive cold regions safety program. The intent is to cover a few topics in some detail, and to increase the general...

Flanged Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members
Design aids in the forms of charts and tables are available for design of reinforced concrete flexural members. Many of these design aids were developed for design of rectangular cross...

Field Experience: Another Facet of Professional Development
Since young engineers rarely get the chance to get into the field and observe construction on site, either because of their firm's policy of not letting inexperienced people...

The Civil Engineer and the Decay of America's Infrastructure
With the infrastructure of the United States continuing to deteriorate, the problem becomes who will decide how much to spend in both repairing, maintaining and building new facilities...

Current Practice in Cost Estimating and Cost Control
This proceedings, Current Practice in Cost Estimating and Cost Control, covers all areas of costs related to the design and construction phases...

Cold Regions Construction
A State of the Practice Report
An overview of cold region construction and state of the practice reviews of various aspects of this engineering specialty are presented. The overview covres the development of cold region...

Pipelines in Adverse Environments II
State of the art and future trends in pipeline design, construction and maintenance are reviewed. Specific areas addressed include adverse terrain conditions, river crossings-particularly...

Urban Hydrology
National progress reports on urban hydrology are presented. These reports include assessments of advances that have taken place in the past five years, what progress has been made and...

Structural Lumber: An Overview of Research Needs
Structural performance of lumber is influenced by the processing steps from forest to final end-use and by the end-use environment. Research needs in processing include: 1) selection of...

Mechanical Fastening of Structural Wood Members?Design and Research Status
A brief overview is provided of the current mechanical fastening research base as background for a discussion of future research needs and priorities. A summary is presented of the current...

Structural Analysis of Light-Frame Subassemblies
Conventional light-frame subassemblies have a long history of good performance. Until recently this performance could not be quantified adequately because of the complex ways in which...

Heavy Timber Structures and Bridges
Development and application of treated glued-laminated timber is a landmark event in structural engineering history. The inertia of this event has produced continued, rapid and dramatic...

An Overview of Structural Panels and Structural Composite Products
Plywood has been the principal structural panel for construction since the late 1940s. Today, structural panels are evolving into products such as composite panels, oriented strand board,...

Reliability-Based Design for Wood Structures: Potentials and Research Needs
Wood as a renewable resource is briefly discussed to provide an understanding of the complex nature of the relationship between its availability and its efficient use for engineered construction....

Wood Trusses and Other Manufactured Structural Components
Roof trusses, floor trusses, wood I and box beams, and glued-laminated timber are discussed. Some of the major recommendations for future research include improved analytical techniques...

Structural Wood Research
State-of-the-Art and Research Needs
Timber is an abundant and renewable natural resource and its use exceeds all other construction material. Structural wood represents a challenge of vast dimensions and attention to various...

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
The Journal of Construction Engineering and Management publishes quality papers that aim to advance the science of construction engineering, harmonize construction practices with design theories, and further...

Journal of Environmental Engineering
The Journal of Environmental Engineering presents broad interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in environmental engineering science, systems engineering, and sanitation. Papers...

Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
The Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering covers all phases of irrigation, drainage, engineering hydrology, and related water management subjects, such as watershed management, weather modification,...





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