Hydrodynamic Changes Associated with Navigation Traffic on the Upper Mississippi River System
Research has been conducted at the Illinois State Water Survey for the last five to seven years to collect field data from the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers to determine the extent and...

Distributions of Return Flow in Navigable Waterways
Physical impacts of barge traffic on the riverine environment have drawn increasing attention from resource managers of the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS). Return flow, which can...

Two-Dimensional Modeling of River Dynamics for the Expansion of Clover Island, Kennewick, Washington
The Port of Kennewick, Washington, is proposing to redevelop Clover Island as a waterfront village concept. The island is located in the Columbia River between McNary and Priest Rapids...

Improving the Speed of Double Lockages
The size of tug and barge combinations on the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois Waterway frequently exceed the dimensions of the lock chambers they must pass through. The locks on these...

Are Erosion Control Programs Reducing Sedimentation?
In the Midwest, the USEPA National Watershed Monitoring Program is determining the effectiveness of land management strategies to improve water quality and biological diversity. The illinois...

Reduction of Sediment Loads in DEC Streams
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Demonstration Erosion Control (DEC) project is actively involved in the stabilization and restoration of many drastically disturbed incising streams in...

Quail Creek: A Case Study of Restoration Using Native Materials
Quail Creek, a stream in northern Baltimore County, Maryland, was restored in 1990 using the approach developed by Rosgen to diagnose the problems, and determine the parameters for stable...

Spatial Statistics for Rainfall Forecasts Assessment
Assessments of rainfall forecasts were developed using GIS-based spatial statistical procedures applied to calibrated radar-rainfall fields in central Oklahoma. The overall objective of...

ASCE Regulated Riparian Code and Florida's Regulated Riparian Experience: The Role for Voluntary Reallocation
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) model state water code for states under riparian common law offers a comprehensive administrative permitting process for allocating water...

Impact of Reservoir Flood-Control Operation on Interior-Drainage Facilities
Sacramento, CA is protected from floods of the American River by Folsom Dam and a system of levees. Proposed modifications to the flood-control operation of Folsom will increase downstream...

Water Use Recession in San Diego Region
Water use in the San Diego region was studied using historical records collected over a period of a half century. The results indicated that the water use in this region was historically...

A Practical Approach to Watershed Sanitary Surveys
A step-by-step approach for conducting watershed sanitary surveys can be successfully applied to watersheds of all sizes. The approach involves preparing a watershed map, contacting regulatory...

Wastewater Reuse: An Alternative for Potable Water
Adverse economic conditions throughout the world have resulted in a shift of priorities causing water supply and sanitation schemes to relegate down the list of adequately funded projects....

The Analysis of the Failure of the Minte Stream Culvert
A persistent and continuous rainfall that lasted for more than 30 hours on May 6?7, 1995, caused the sudden failure of an embank ment on the main road between Puerto Varas and Ensenada,...

Measurements of Bridge-Scour Depths in Mississippi
This paper briefly summarizes 190 measured pier-scour depths collected dur ing 1942?94 at 22 selected bridges in Mississippi and presents an envelope-curve equation for the data. The envelope-curve...

Field Measurements of Streambed Scour at Bridge Piers in Ohio
Field measurements made from 1989 to 1994 were evaluated to characterize pier scour at 21 bridge sites in Ohio. Pier scour was observed at sites in 45 of 47 real-time scour measurements....

Scour-Hole Dimensions at Selected Bridge Piers in New York
Knowledge of scour-hole dimensions can be used by bridge engineers to deter mine the extent of countermeasures needed to prevent scour at bridge piers. Scour-hole widths at 128 piers,...

Sacramento Valley Conjunctive Use?Future Water Supply for the State Water Project?
In 1992, the California Department of Water Resources began an investigation of the potential to develop additional water supply for the State Water Project through conjunctive use programs...

A New Model of California's SWP/CVP Systems
A water allocation reservoir simulation model is combined with a ground water-surface water simulation model resulting in an integrated model for use in water resource planning studies...

Implementing a Successful Conjunctive Use Program
Over the past decade, water planners have come to the agreement that conjunctive use is a good strategy to help meet present and ftiture water needs. Storing water underground has many...





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