This section serves as an introduction to the monograph. Topics include organization of guide; objective of post-earthquake investigations; use of guide; risks associated with post-earthquake...
General Procedures for Conducting an Investigation
This section covers general procedures for conducting an investigation. Topics include lifelines and critical facilities to be investigated; the role of the team leader; getting started;...
Electric Power Systems
This section discusses major components and subsystems of electric power systems. Also present is a guide for performing a post-earthquake investigation of electric power facilities, including...
Wastewater Systems
This section discusses wastewater systems as well as their components and earthquake vulnerability. Also present is an overview of a post-earthquake investigation procedure....
Transportation System Management
This section provides an overview of transportation systems management. Also present is a guide for a post-earthquake investigation of transportation systems management....
Telecommunications Systems
This section provides an overview of telecommunications systems, including their components and subsystems. Also present is a guide for a post-earthquake investigation of telecommunications...
Liquid Fuel Systems
This section provides an overview of liquid fuel systems, including major system components. Also discussed are dependencies of liquid fuel systems on other lifelines and vice versa....
Emergency Power Systems
This section provides an overview of emergency power systems, including components and subsystems. Also present is a guide for a post-earthquake investigation of emergency power systems....
Power-Generating Dams: Lifelines
This section provides an overview of power generating dams, including major components and subsystems. Also present are general post-earthquake investigation procedures for dams....
Emergency Operations Centers
This section provides an overview of emergency operations centers, including major system components and operations. Also present is a guide for performing a post-earthquake investigation...
This section provides an overview of hospitals, their major components, and typical hospital lifelines. Also present is a guide for performing a post-earthquake investigation of hospitals....
Evaluating Earthquake Hazards
Earthquake hazards vary considerably in different parts of the country. The effect of an earthquake on telecommunication systems is influenced by the magnitude of the earthquake, the proximity...
Wireless System
The technology of using radio frequencies to communicate is not new. Ham radio and walkie talkies were the first form of radio communication used by the public; then the Citizen Band (CB)...
Construction and Maintenance
The purpose of this section is to identify construction and maintenance practices that are necessary in order to ensure that the final installation of the guyed structure adheres to the...
Assessing Opal's Impact
Geographic information systems and other high-technology tools were used to quantify the effects of Hurricane Opal in October 1995. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, along with...
Rehab by Helicopter
The City of San Diego's 86-year old Dulzura Conduit has been in almost continuous operation since it first opened in 1909. But by 1984 flow had been reduced to less than 15...
Saving Scotland's Busiest Bridge
The world's most extensive bridge monitoring system has been installed on Glasgow's Kingston Bridge so that the engineers can prevent collapse during a long-term...
Communication Breakdown
Are modern telecommunications networks vulnerable to earthquakes? Researchers say yes, and have developed a computer tool to quantify potential economic impacts. Telecommunications service...
Anatomy of a Wetland
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which administers Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, requires replacement of wetlands impacted by construction. A constructed wetland in Georgia demonstrates...
Water Wisdom of the Ancients
Two water systems thousands of years old--the falaj system in Oman and China's Dujiangyan water works--are still in use today. A climatologist describes how these systems...
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