Implications of Structural Characteristics on Failure
Performance of buildings with two common structural types, many of which suffered heavy structural damage or collapse, are analyzed. Conclusions are drawn that no structural type is inadequate,...

Performance of Steel Structures
A description of the various types of steel structures built in Mexico City is made, including comparisons of the older types of steel construction with more modern buildings. Performance...

Damage Assessment and Seismic Behaviour of Steel Buildings in Mexico City
Preliminary reports on the September 1985 earthquakes indicated 10 steel buildings collapsed and 2 more severely damaged. The total number of buildings found either collapsed or severely...

Bridge Design By 1-2-3
MULTBEAM, a Lotus 1-2-3 template, can be used to analyze simple-span, multigirder steel highway bridge superstructures. Since it was developed for in house use by Sverdrup Corp., this...

Crossing A Freeway
The Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle is being constructed on air rights spanning Interstate-5, adjacent to the seven acre Freeway Park that also spans the highway....

Shoreline Development in Southern Lake Michigan
This abstract refers to the effect that record-high lake levels, shoreline erosion, and the decline of the steel industry are having on present and future plans for shoreline development...

Steel Boxes Carry Rail Lines
Steel box girders plus novel bearing details led to beautiful curved bridges carrying Chicago Transit Authority trains into its Howard Yard. During preliminary design three alternative...

Strengthening Old Floors
The floors of the historic City Hall and Courthouse in Minneapolis had withstood 80 years of hard use before they have to be analyzed and brought up to code. The building is about 300...

Structural Engineering and Microcomputers
This publication contains five papers on the use of microcomputers by structural engineers. The first paper discusses the design of multi-story rigid steel frames. The design process employed...

Effects of Damage and Redundancy on Structural Performance
There are numerous factors involved in the interrelationship between damage states, redundancy, system strength and structural performance. This volume examines some of these factors and...

Golden Gate Bridge Improvements
The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District engineer talks about improvements made to the Golden Gate Bridge since opening day. Improvements covered include: wind bracing,...

Building Constructed Up and Down at Once
The One Westwood Building, now going up in Los Angeles' suburban Westwood, is being built up and down from ground level simultaneously. The key was a slurry wall surrounding...

Computers: What Do Students Need to Know?
This article is based on interviews with three professors at three universities, a recent graduate from each school, and the graduate's employer. The interviews show that...

Automating Bridge Design
To avoid some of the pitfalls of manual design calculations, Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas engineers designing a series of bridges for a $280 million section of the New...

Dam Safety Improvements for Tolt River Dam
Studies were performed to identify measures to improve the safety of the project under earthquake and extreme flood conditions while permitting the owner to store additional water under...

Evaluation of Corroded Steel Bridges
In the United States there is a large inventory of corroded steel bridges. The evaluation of these existing bridges is difficult when considering all the uncertainties involved in deterioration....

Steel Plate Girder Alternate I-10/I-17 Interchange
The scope of the Phoenix I-10 Viaduct allowed extensive study for the optimization of this moderate span steel plate girder bridge. The value engineering studies lead to the use of the...

Queensboro Bridge Inspection and Rehabilitation
An in-depth inspection of the Queensboro Bridge revealed deterioration of certain elements on the lower level of the main bridge. These elements include the outer roadway cantilever brackets,...

Prediction of Deformations Due to Heat Curving
This paper summarizes the state of the art in the thermal deformation techniques. Alternate analytical methods are described. The limitations and accuracy of these models are noted, and...

Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures
This document has been carefully prepared in an effort to provide an authoritative source of information about effective design and fabrication of steel transmission pole structures. The...





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