On a Micromechanical Basis of Stochastic Constitutive Laws
A procedure for derivation of stochastic constitutive laws is outlined on the basis of graph-representable linear elastic microstructures. Central to the procedure is the concept of a...

Fracture Toughness of DMMC
The fracture toughness of discontinuous metal matrix composites (DMMC) is always less than the fracture toughness of the matrix, in the same heat treatment or annealed condition. If a...

Fracture Toughness Model of Fiber Reinforced Ceramics
This paper addresses the fracture resistance mechanism in fiber reinforced ceramics, and focuses attention on the specific effects associated with the nonlinear nature of the fiber pullout...

Debonding of a Inhomogeneity from a Plastic Matrix
Inclusion debonding is addressed through the formulation and solution of the planar elastic and elastic uniform plastic problems. These problems are variants of the standard transformation...

Laser Interferometric Characterization of Acoustic Emission Transducers
The characterization of the exact response of commercially available, piezoelectric and thin film, acoustic emission transducers is of fundamental importance for the nondestructive evaluation...

Characterization of Granular Material Composite Structures Using Computerized Tomography
The behavior of particulate composites such as asphaltic concrete is controlled by microstructural features including particle and binder arrangements, interparticle contacts, and changes...

Experimental Photoelastic Analysis of Tunnels Containing Cracks
Due to the presence of cracks the strength of the structure is decreased in the present paper an experimental two dimensional photoelastic technique has been developed to analyze the circular...

On the Bifurcation of Elasto-Plastic Crystals During Multiple Slip
Conditions for the localization of deformation in elasto-plastic crystals experiencing multiple slip are discussed using multisurface plasticity theory. In particular, some important characteristics...

Instability of Slopes with Nonassociated Flow
Experimental investigations of the conditions for instability have shown that granular materials may become unstable inside the failure surface. For states of stress below the failure...

Densification/Creep Behavior of Experimental Glass-Ceramic Waste Forms for Immobilization of High-Level Calcined Waste at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant
A mixture of simulated high-level calcined waste (HLW) and Frit additives was hot isostatically pressed (HIPed) to a dense glass-ceramic waste form. A densification mapping software was...

Mechanical Response of Cellular Materials Used in Waste Shipping Containers
Material behavior of impact limiters such as aluminum honeycombs and polyurethane foams has been studied experimentally. Four densities of aluminum honeycombs were tested: 3, 8, 12, and...

Direct Tensile Test: Stability and Bifurcation
Unnotched specimens of quasibrittle materials that exhibit post-peak strain softening do not deform symmetrically in a direct tension test. The phenomenon (which is similar to the recently...

Two-Dimensional Statistical Micromechanical Models for Microcracked Brittle Solids
Recent development undertaken by the authors in two-dimensional statistical micromechanical models for brittle solids with randomly located interacting microcracks is presented. Overall...

The Initiation of Bifurcations and Localization in Damaging Materials
Criteria for diffuse and discontinuous bifurcations have previously been developed and used to investigate the initiation of necking and localization in elastic-plastic materials. In this...

Softening Models for Concrete: Stability and Uniqueness
A microstructurally-based, numerically oriented, fracture-induced softening model for concrete is presented. Rate-dependent evolution equations for microcrack nucleation, growth, and coalescence...

Basic Aspects of Damage Mesomodelling
The basic aspects of a general damage computational approach which enable to simulate the complete fracture phenomenon are presented. It is a semi-discrete modelling where the material,...

Damage Mechanics Modeling of the Cyclic Behavior of Plain Concrete
The sudden stiffening behavior of concrete under cyclic loading is discussed and the available experimental investigations to delocalize damage is reviewed. A discussion on the applicability...

Three-Dimensional Fracture Process Zone Detection in Concrete
Process zones in concrete have been under intensive investigations during the past several years. Techniques have successfully been used to detect and map the 2-D superficial process zone....

Evaluating Polymer Concrete Bridge Expansion Joints Using Acoustic Emission
This study is to simulate the acoustic emission (A/E) of polymer concrete bridge expansion joints subjected to controlled representative loads by a rotating test apparatus on a circular...

Micromechanical Simulation of Wave Propagation in Dense Granular Assemblies
Two-dimensional DEM with modified Mindlin's contact law has been used to study the load transfer mechanisms in 'consolidated' granular assemblies. Results of simulation are presented and...





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