From Sediment to Solid
While closing a 32 acre, storm-water impoundment area contaminated with petroleum waste sediments at an oil refinery, engineers came up with a more-effective treatment plan that saved...

Cleaning Up Clay
Using soil vapor extraction to remove volatile organic compounds from ground water and unsaturated soils can achieve faster and more-complete cleanups than conventional pump-and-treat...

Estuarine and Coastal Modeling
This volume contains the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling held in San Diego, California, October 26-28, 1995. The conference included oral...

Operation and Maintenance of Ground Water Facilities
The objective of this manual, Operation and Maintenance of Ground Water Facilities (Manual 86), is to point out the many factors that need...

19 Tough Acts to Follow
The nominations for this year's Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award included everything from runway extensions to highway extensions, water fun parks to water...

Back to Bacteria: A More Natural Filtration
Drinking-water treatment used to be simple: use the best source available, filter if turbidity is present and add plenty of chlorine. Typically, these are the barriers that guard against...

Decision Support
A number of factors have combined to make a computer-based decision support system (DSS) for power system operations attractive to Great Lakes Power Limited (GLP), a private utility that...

Storm-Water Treatment Goes Underground
The field of storm-water management continues to evolve as practitioners gain more experience and knowledge from the successes and failures of the past. While we once treated every site...

Management of Water Treatment Plant Residuals
Potable water treatment processes produce safe drinking water and generate a wide variety of waste products known as residuals, including organic and inorganic compounds in liquid, solid,...

North American Water and Environment Congress & Destructive Water
This proceedings contains papers presented at the North American Water and Environment Congress '96 of the ASCE's Environmental Engineering Division, Water Resources...

Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources VII
This volume, Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources VII, comprises edited papers from the proceedings of the Seventh Engineering Foundation...

Tappan Zee Set for Inverset (Available only in Structures special issue)
Replacing the deck on New York's Tappan Zee Bridge is a ticklish problem, considering that all of the work has to be done at night. A combination of isotropically reinforced...

Do-Nothing Cleanups
Restoring polluted soil and ground water to pristine condition is, in some cases, neither cost-effective nor feasible. So what's the best way to close these sites with minimal...

Sound Way to Save Fish
Fish protection need not cost an arm and a fin. Using light and sound to spare fragile blueback herring and other species a harrowing fate, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers devised a fish...

Milwaukee's Ozone Upgrade
After the 1993 outbreak of illness caused by Cryptosporidium in Milwaukee, the city moved forward on an $89 million upgrade of its treatment facilities with ozone filtration, the only...

Who Springs for Water?
Many questions have been raised about the future of water quality and maintenance. The Rocky Mountain Institute has created a report with four scenarios, each based on whether the government...

Modeling Contaminated Sediments
Using a computer model to analyze and predict sediment transport only works when the analyst considers the model's limitations and the physical processes involved, and conducts...

Washington Buildup
Despite its reputation as a city mired in fiscal crisis, Washington, D. C., continues to improve its basic infrastructure. A look at three ongoing projects�a sports arena, a waste water...

Pump and Treat and Wait (Available only in the Geo/Environmental Special Issue)
Pump and treat, a common ground-water cleanup technique, is slow to clean up deep contaminated aquifers. Adaptive intermittent pumping can increase the cleanup rate�and decrease costs�by...

Asphalt-Concrete Water Barriers for Embankment Dams
Because of its simplicity in design and construction, the asphalt concrete core is rapidly becoming the water barrier of choice for embankment dams in many parts of the world. This is...





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