Government Cooperation in Water Resources Planning and Management
The California State Legislators have shown real concern in trying to do something about the clearly identified water shortage. Many bills and funding programs have been proposed to encourage...

Water for Texans?Using the Water Development Fund
This paper is presented to provide information on the Texas Water Development Fund. The Fund is available as a source that can provide financial assistance to political subdivisions of...

Managing Water-Related Conflicts
the Engineer's Role
The problems facing water resources planners and managers are extensive. The major challenge is finding the key to cooperative rather than divisive approaches to water resources management....

Integrated Transit Network Analysis
As part of an update of the Boston, Massachusetts regional transit simulation process, the Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS) has implemented a microcomputer-based integrated...

The Small Computer Accident Records System (SCARS)
SCARS was developed to support public agencies in Florida in their efforts to analyze traffic accident records and identify high hazard locations. It is an application of the DBASE III+...

A Graphical Database for Transportation Systems
A graphical database composed of programmable objects analogous to elements of a physical plant of a transportation network is presented. The discussion reviews the application of a graphical...

The Financial Analysis of a Transportation Project on a Microcomputer
The economics of a future rail transit project are analyzed. Pro forma financial statements are constructed to the year 2002. A number of financial ratios are examined to assess the project's...

Transit Scheduling Using Computer Graphics
Graphical scheduling has been very popular throughout the world, but until recently, has not been available for a computerized scheduling system. Computerized graphical scheduling systems...

Transit Route Planning Using Data Downloaded from UTPS
A comprehensive evaluation of alternative bus routing and service patterns was recently performed for the Alameda-Contra Costa (AC) Transit District, the principal public transit operator...

A Matching Algorithm That Eliminates the Need for Radio Signposts in Automatic Passenger Counters on Buses
Volumes of raw data collected using the Automatic Data Aquisition system are useless until they can be processed and transformed into meaningful reports and plots. This is done using a...

High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1990
The proceedings of the first annual Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management, held on April 8-12, 1990, Las Vegas, Nevada, provides information on the current technical issues...

Sons of Martha: Civil Engineering Readings in Modern Literature
These three stories excerpted from the new book Sons of Martha, compiled by Augustine J. Fredrich and published by ASCE as the first book in a new venture by the Publications Division, introduce the engineer...

Slips Ahoy
Klancnik discusses the markets for marina construction in the 1990s. The past decade saw a boom in the boating industry and in the design and construction of marinas. The market will remain...

Privatization in Transportation Financing
Since early in this century, financing for transportation has involved both private and public funds. For highways, monies provided by public or government agencies have come largely from...

Portland's Light Rail: A Successful Public Private Partnership
During its first year, Tri-Met's Light Rail service, MAX, carried twice as many riders as originally projected. What is generally not understood is that MAX is more then a...

CTA's Experience in Fostering Station Redevelopment Through Public/Private Partnerships
The paper reviews the experience of the Chicago Transit Authority's partnerships with the private sector. The funding, space, design, construction and operation components...

Motivation: Harnessing the Private Sector's Interest in the Public Agency Project
Today's public works projects are being conceived, planned, and constructed with increasing difficulty as funding becomes more illusive. The Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority...

Private Participation Made Easy in Small but Smart Transit
The maturing field of electronically 'smart' people movers offers the possibility of urban transit linkages which are smaller in scale, less demanding to operate,...

Public/Private Partnerships: Recent Trends in France
The revival of liberal ideas provided rich soil in France for the growth of private/public partnerships in financing urban mobility services. This partnership is based on one of the following...

Public-Private Relationship in Transportation Development
The paper explores the mechanism and development of public-private partnership which has resulted in the participatory growth of transportation projects in the Portland Metropolitan area....





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