Incorporating Graphics in Water Distribution Analysis
One area that has currently been receiving attention is the presentation of hydraulic analysis results utilizing computer graphics to display pipe network and pressure values in graphical...

Adapting a Pipe Network Analysis Computer Program
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) has developed a mathematical simulation model for a key portion of its distribution system. A representative portion...

State-of-the-Art Pipe Network Optimization
Within the next decade water distribution system optimization models should become everyday tools of practicing engineers. This paper examines existing models and discusses some of the...

Optimization of Looped Water Distribution Networks
The optimization algorithm developed by G. Quindry et al. can be used to obtain a least cost pipe network for a looped water distribution system. A solution is obtained under steady state...

Pipe Network Optimization by Enumeration
The paper describes a procedure for the optimization of pipe networks which is executed entirely in the discrete pipe size/cost domain. The technique is based on exhaustive enumeration....

Water Distribution Design with Multiple Demands
An iterative procedure for the layout and design of new looped water distribution systems is pesented. The procedure is also applicable to the expansion of existing systems. The approach...

Microcomputer Application in Predicting Upland Erosion
An erosion-deposition model, originally developed for a mainframe computer, was adapted for an Apple IIe. With minimal adjustment it can also be used on other personal microcomputers....

Institutional Arrangements for Coastal Resource Management in Developed and Developing Countries
This paper presents a condensation of the 165-page book, Institutional Arrangements for Management of Coastal Resources, the first in the Renewable Resources Information Series prepared...

The Balancing Act of Preparing Coastal Management Plans
There are some basic principles that should be recognised by those persons involved in preparing coastal management plans. Within the context of coastal management in South Australia,...

Coastal Monitoring in Florida
There are numerous erosion control and inlet sand transfer projects, both publicly and privately financed, along eroded or eroding shores throughout the State of Florida. The Florida Department...

Coastal Erosion Management in Australia and the U.S.
Current knowledge and management policies in both Australia and the U. S. favor non-structural over structural responses to coastal erosion problems wherever possible. The trend towards...

Harbor Management a Cooperative Effort in Connecticut
Connecticut Legislature passed an Act concerning harbor management which enables coastal communities to establish harbor management committees and prepare harbor management plans. This...

Coastal Management Problems in the United Kingdom
Five case-studies from the East coast of England illustrate some of the obstacles facing more enlightened coastal management in the United Kingdom. All the examples demonstrate unsatisfactory...

Issues and Problems of Coastal Management in Italy
The paper aims to outline present situation and possible future developments especially concentrating on management of beaches and water fronts. Population density had been for many centuries...

Communication of Coastal Erosion Information to Shorefront Residents: The User Perspective
Coastal erosion problems are reaching critical proportions along much of the US shorefront. One reason for this situation is that information needed to improve the management of eroding...

Who's Minding the Beach?...The Virginia Experience
Virginia entered the realm of statewide funding for the enhancement of public beaches on July 1, 1980 with the creation of the Commission on the Conservation and Development of Public...

Guidelines for Beach Nourishment: A Necessity for Project Management
This paper outlines detailed studies that have been performed on recently completed projects to assess the fill sediment redistribution and profile response. This compilation of data has...

Man-Made Offshore Islands: An Innovative Solution to Coastal Erosion
Existing shore-parallel detached breakwaters have resulted in the accretion of sand along the shoreline in the wave shadow of the structure. Significant prograding of the beach has replaced...

Managing Shoreline Changes in the Presence of Nearshore Shoal Migration and Attachment
The purpose of this paper is to describe these events in detail and illustrate the need for better understanding of erosion/deposition patterns around tidal inlets. Periodic beach surveys...

The Recovery of Monterey Bay Beaches After the Winter Storms of 1982-83
The El Nino conditions of 1982 and 1983 produced unusually frequent and intense storms along the central California coast. These storms produced much greater than normal beach erosion...





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