An Object-Oriented Scheduling Data Acquisition Model Using a Hybrid Expert System
Acquisition of scheduling data for construction project information management is a complicated task. Historically, there has been a fundamental disconnection between cost estimation and...

Selecting Precast Concrete Building Systems
The development of an integrated computer system to assist in the selection of precast concrete (PC) building systems is described. StructNet, a neural network program, identifies possible...

Computer-Assisted Planning, Programming, Budgeting System (CAPPB)
This paper describes an information system called CAPPB (Computer-Assisted Planning, Programming, Budgeting System) developed at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering...

Computerized Facility Information Management Systems
The paper describes a computerized information system that can be used in place of the traditional operations and maintenance manual used by facilities personnel. Plant operations and...

A Decision Support System for Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Using a Distributed Model-GIS-DBMS Linkage
Methods were developed for directly linking the distributed parameter model, AGNPS with a GIS and a relational database management system (RDBMS) to investigate a nonpoint source pollution...

Heuristic Knowledge-base Approach to Runoff Estimation in Midwestern States Using a SCS Curve Number Method
The applications of the Knowledge-Based engineering has emerged as a potential technique for incorporating human expertise and some degree of intelligent judgment into decision-supporting...

Selection of Earth Retention Systems Using Expert System
The development of the selection module in a knowledge-based expert system REtaining STructure EXpert (RESTEX) for automated selection, design and analysis of earth retention systems is...

Quality Management of Earthwork Using Knowledge-based Systems
Earthwork is an integral part of many construction projects. It involves cleaning of the site, loading and spreading of soil, and soil compaction and leveling. Heterogeneous orientation...

Scaling Up is Hard to Do: Experiences in Preparing a Case-Based Design Aid Prototype for Field Trial
We seek to improve the conceptual design process for complex artifacts such as buildings by offering designers access, through an on-line hypermedia library, to documentation and evaluations...

Precedents in Design: A Computational Model for the Organization of Case Knowledge
A computational model of for the organization of case knowledge of precedent knowledge is developed. The model is composed of distinct chunks of knowledge called design stories. A formalism...

Global Network Optimization for Pavement Management
In a state-wide pavement management system, the highway network can be divided into a number of road categories based on traffic level and geographical region. Network optimization analysis...

A Decision Support System for Evaluating the Suitability of a Robotics System for a Construction Project
Development in the area of construction robotics/automation would require construction managers to critically evaluate the feasibility of replacing a conventional construction process...

A New Automated System for Decision Support in the Construction Industry
This paper describes a collaborative project to research and develop a computer based decision support system for the construction industry. The system is intended primarily for use during...

A Frame-Based Drawing Management System Based on Building Object Model
This paper presents current research issues on management of information and knowledge utilized in product design process based on building object model concept. The objective of research...

Knowledge Issues in Modeling
This paper aims at stressing the importance of the goal of modeling in identifying the underlying bodies of knowledge. It briefly describes the progression in complexity of modeling and...

Strengthening the Design/Construction Interface Using Electronic Imaging, Document Management and Work Flow Technologies
The paper describes a conceptual approach for the implementation of document imaging systems as a mechanism for strengthening the design/construction interface. The paper discusses some...

Applying Multimedia Technology to Project Control
Construction project control and documentation require an accurate, complete, and efficient way of collecting, storing, and retrieving project information. This information contains construction...

Capturing As-built Project Information for Facility Management
Complete, accurate, and timely provision of as-built information plays a critical role in the optimal upkeep of a facility. Facility operators/maintainers usually are delivered a constructed...

Progression of Computer Applications in Water Supply and Distribution Systems
Over the last two decades, computer applications in water supply and distribution systems have advanced rapidly from the stand-alone applications in system modeling to the integrated platform...

Development of an Expert System for Daily Drought Monitoring
A daily drought monitoring system was developed using the Clips Expert System software package. It consists of four components: (1) The knowledge base that contains rules in the form of...





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