Studies on the Erosion of a Compacted Soil
In the management of water there are certain applications in which compacted soil is used (i.e., dams, embankments, levees, spiliways, and channels). Engineers rely primarily on field...

Sediment Removal from Stormwater Runoff
Sediment traps, also known as baffle boxes, are being used throughout the state of Florida to remove sediment from stomiwater. A baffle box is divided into three compartments by two bathers,...

An Experimental Study on the Use of Constructed Wetlands for Stormwater Management
The purpose of this study is to compare the pollutant removal effectiveness of selected wetland vegetation such as cattails, reeds, and bulrushes by using laboratory bucket wetlands. Pollutants...

Use of NaOH to Control pH for Solubilization of Waste Activated Sludge
Waste activated sludge was collected from the final clarifier of a local municipal wastewater treatment plant. NaOH was used in comparison made of the controlled pH batch experiments with...

Design and Implementation of On-Farm Surface Drainage Projects in the Humid Tropics of Mexico
In the humid tropics of southeastern Mexico, the Mexican National Water Commission (CNA) has constructed a network of collector drains for stormwater runoff removal. At the same time the...

A New Strategic Management of Pumping Station in Sewer Systems
Pumping stations are literally the heart of most sewer system operations and sewage treatment plant processes. Current studies show that a small improvement of pump efficiency will offer...

Risk-based Analysis of Major Rehabilitation of Hydraulic Structures Using REPAIR
This poster session presents a demonstration of a computer model developed by the Corps of Engineers to analyze investment proposals. The primary purpose of the model is evaluate investments...

Assessment of the Surface-Water Pollution and Measures for Emergency Stations Warning in the Republic of Uzbekistan
In the Republic of Uzbekistan, a special system operates that is designed for the observations on the quality and ecological state of the river ecosystems including: 1-hydrochemical control...

Experiences in Cleaning Up the Influence of Oil Spill on the Water Bodies
Experiences in cleaning up the influence of oil spill on water bodies of Komi Republic (European part of Russian North) and Dagestan Republic (North Caucasus) was generalized. In both...

Overview of DoD Research in Groundwater Modeling
The U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station leads a multi-agency research program for the Department of Defense (DoD) which continues the development of integrated, comprehensive...

European Progress on river Renaturalisation
Most restoration projects in Europe have been designed to maximise species richness with little regard for channel stability. To recreate a sustainable natural channel it is necessary...

Ecological and Biological Considerations in River Restoration
When planning river restoration projects, proper consideration must be given to the target resources of concern. This should include provisions to meet the physical, hydraulic, and biological...

Role of Vegetation in Hydraulics of Channel Restoration
Boundary layer theory is used to develop a backwater model for flows through vegetated waterways which can be employed to approximately estimate flow depth variation in channel restoration...

Storm Water General Industrial Permit Non-Filers Identification and Outreach
Storm water discharges convey pollutants from urban activities that can impair surface water quality. Industrial facilities have been identified as one source of storm water pollutants...

A California Handbook for Developing an Industrial/Commercial Storm Water Inspection Program
Runoff and non-storm water discharges to storm drains from industrial and commercial businesses can be major causes of storm water pollution in urban areas, but there are sources of this...

Coping with EPA's Storm Water Permit for Hazardous Waste Facilities, Industrial Landfills, Wastewater Treatment Plants, and Recyclers
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released NPDES storm water monitoring data from group applicants. This paper will analyze that data to determine which pollutants are present...

Best Management Practices and Community Education
The 1987 Water Quality Act requires the permitting of municipal separate storm sewer systems and the reduction by permittees of the discharge of pollutants in stormwater to the maximum...

Anaheim State-of-the-Art Water Treatment Plant?Six Years from Conception to Completion
After six years of intensive planning, budgeting, pilot testing, design, and construction, the City of Anaheim, California, has successfully completed the modifications to the 15 mgd Lenain...

Conjunctive Water Use Transforms a California Desert
An area doing multi-billion dollar recreational and agricultural business in the Southern California Sonoran desert owes its existence and well being to two things?wise water planning...

ASR Case Study?City of Salem, Oregon
The City of Salem, Oregon is developing an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) system to provide a 20 mgd capacity, 440 mg volume, emergency storage and peak day supplementary supply. When...





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