A PC Modelling System for the Simulation of Transport and Fate of Solutes and Suspended Substances
PARTICLE is a numerical computer model for the simulation of transport and fate of discharged, dissolved or suspended substances. The model is based upon the Lagrangian approach and calculates...

The Transport and Fate of Drilling Muds
The disposal of drilling muds from offshore oil platforms is of concern because of the potential effects of pollution from these muds. Both drilling muds and fine-grained bottom sediments...

Modeling the Pathways of Nonconservative Substances in Estuaries
ELAmet is a model for nonconservative chemical transport which solves the advection/dispersion/transformation equation using a modification of Eulerian-Lagrangian methods. In this paper...

Modeling Transport and Fate of Micropollutants in Coastal Waters
In order to assess rate and risk of pollution of coastal waters, attention should be given to the input of pollutants, the transport of pollutants, the transfer of pollution between water...

The Importance of Density Driven Circulation in Well Mixed Estuaries: The Tampa Bay Experience
This paper addresses the importance of the effects of baroclinicity in subtidal dynamics of a well mixed estuary, Tampa Bay. The analysis is based upon numerical simulations using a three-dimensional,...

Modeling Tidal and Wind Driven Circulation in Sarasota and Tampa Bay
As part of an effort to quantify the effects of hydrodynamics on water quality within Sarasota Bay, Tampa Bay and their adjoining waters, a field and modeling study of circulation and...

Control of Contaminant Transport in Estuaries
This paper describes the development of a computational procedure for the adaptive control of hazardous releases in a vertically-mixed estuary. In particular, the control strategy is aimed...

Application of a Boundary Fitted Coordinate Mass Transport Model
A three-dimensional, boundary fitted coordinate, finite difference, mass transport model was applied to the Providence River in Upper Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. The governing advection-diffusion...

A Three-Dimensional Simulation of Buoyancy and Wind-Induced Circulation and Mixing in the New York Bight
A three-dimensional simulation of the circulation and mixing in the New York Bight has been conducted, forced by (i) wind stress for the year 1987 and monthly-mean heat fluxes at the sea...

Assessing Cu(II) Speciation and Transport in the New York Bight
The New York Bight had been receiving waste disposals, dredged spoils and acid dumps for the past 30-40 years causing accumulation of trace metals such as Cu(II) in water and sediment....

Sensitivity of Flow and Salt Transport to Uncertainties at Open Boundaries: A 3-D Experience
Understanding the transport due to tidal and sub-tidal exchange processes enables many environmental issues in estuarine systems to be addressed. To achieve this goal, a reliable numerical...

Pollutant Transport Modelling in Large River Plumes
The Niagara River plume in Lake Ontario and the Fraser River plume in the Strait of Georgia are of similar spatial dimensions, and arise from rivers with comparable discharge. Both rivers...

Approximation of Convective Processes by Cyclic AOI Methods
Convective or advective processes play a role in many models for civil engineering applications. For example in transport equations, in hydrodynamic equations or wave energy equations....

The Last Freeway
Ever since what's now known as the Pasadena Freeway was completed in 1940, Los Angeles has been synonymous with the freeway�first with the ease and speed of transport it represented...

A European Road Comes to the U.S.
From Sept. 7 to Sept. 22, a group of 21 federal and state transportation officials and industry representatives participated in the European Asphalt Study Tour, traveling the roads of...

Opportunities for Improved Transportation Planning
The approaches, technical procedures, and analytical methodologies utilized for urban transportation planning need to be improved if the intent of the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air...

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission's Anticipated Response to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
By virtue of its charter to provide continuing, cooperative and comprehensive planning, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) has a commitment to adopt and maintain...

The Clean Air Act: Opportunities for the Transit Industry
The 1990 Federal Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) have opened up new opportunities for transit agencies, especially those in large urban areas with the worst air pollution problems. The...

Integrated Software for Transportation Emissions Analysis
As the air pollution problem in the major metropolitan areas of the United States has increased, new interest has emerged for greater accuracy in the estimation of emissions from mobile...

Travel Markets: An Approach to TCM Effectiveness Evaluation
This discussion paper describes a new approach to TCM evaluation using a travel market concept to classify trip types based on expected elasticities to various TCMs. Conventional trip...





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