The Nebraska Chemigation Cat?1987 in Review
The Nebraska Chemigation Act was signed into law in April of 1986 with requirements effective January 1, 1987. The Act is one of the most comprehensive pieces of chemigation legislation...

Chemigation Backflow Prevention Assemblies
Chemigation with sprinkler irrigation systems is widely used throughout the United States. One potential environmental hazard of this practice is the point source water contamination due...

Advanced Chemigation Systems for Environmental Safety and Groundwater Protection
A multifunction irrigation system has been developed which utilizes a separate dynamic in-canopy nozzle system for chemical application. Testing the system with a lithium tracer on four...

Potassium Fertigation in Drip Irrigated Peppers in Puerto Rico
Three potassium fertigation rates (T1 = 100%, T2 = 60%, T3 = 30%) via trickle irrigation, fertilization rates (T4 = 100%, S1 = 100%, S2 = 50%, S3 = 0.0) and nonfertilization (T5 = 0.0)...

Variability of Copper in the International Reach of the Similkameen River, British Columbia
All total copper concentrations measured in soft water during spring freshets were above the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. Approximately 57% of all 108 observations over the three-year...

Adsorption, Desorption and Transport of Pesticides in Groundwater: A Critical Review
Adsorption and desorption are major mechanisms affecting the transport and fate of pesticides in groundwater. Equilibrium, chemical nonequilibrium and physical nonequilibrium adsorption...

Trace Elements and Pesticides in Salton Sea Area, California
Concentrations of numerous potentially toxic trace elements and pesticides were determined in water, sediment, and biota from the Salton Sea area in southestern California. Comparison...

Riverbank Instability Due to Bed Degradation
Degradation lowers the bed of an alluvial channel over a long reach. This has the effect of increasing the bank heights and angles, which decreases the stability of the banks with respect...

Finite Element Modeling in Free-Surface Hydromechanics
A finite element semi-discrete approximation is applied to the conservation law form of the two-dimensional, depth-averaged free-surface Navier-Stokes equations governing incompressible...

Stream Flow Model for a Coastal Stream in Egypt
The Coastal region north of Egypt contains many small streams known as Wadis which are considered the main water resources in that region. All the Wadis in the north coast of Egypt run...

Two-Dimensional River Modeling of Buckhorn Creek
A two-dimensional Finite Element Surface Water Modeling System (FESWMS-2DH) was used to simulate flow at a bridge crossing of a heavily vegetated flood plain where State Highway 130 crosses...

Generation of Native FE in Lunar Soil
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) studies on lunar samples produced some unexpected results which led to recognition of the presence of abundant single-domain Feo...

Carbonyl Extraction of Lunar and Asteroidal Metals
The century-old Mond process for carbonyl extraction of metals from ore shows great promise as an efficient, low energy scheme for producing high-purity Fe, Ni, Cr, Mn, and Co from lunar...

Dynamic Analysis of the Joint Dominated Beam
A method is presented herein to determine the vibration modes of the Joint Dominated Beam. An example of a cantilever beam is selected for this purpose. The truss type beam is analysed...

A Study of Damage in Curved Composite Panels
Composite laminates subjected to a low speed impact, such as a dropped tool or a manufacturing load, often develop an internal delamination. This research studied the effects of a circular...

Progressive Impact Damage Assessment in Composite Pressure Vessels
At the present time, advanced composites have been widely accepted as engineering materials. Analysis techniques for the response of composite materials and structures to static loads...

A Visual Approach for Space Systems Designers
This paper discusses computerized tools that may be used by designers as they approach problem solving related to engineering, construction and operations in space. Tools for space system...

Oxygen Production for a Future Lunar Base
This paper discusses various ways for providing oxygen for a lunar base. Currently, there are three methods available which are technologically possible. One of these is the use of chemical...

Out of the Mainstream
By treating only part of the wastewater stream, a biological/chemical phosphorus removal system also reduces chemical costs and sludge production. The system consists of two 60 ft dia...

Program to Reduce Deicing Chemical Usage
Over the years (since about 1948), the dependency on deicing chemicals has been increased to provide 'bare pavement' for safe and efficient winter transportation....





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