Directions for Lunar Construction: A Derivation of Requirements from a Construction Scenario Analysis
This paper provides an initial trade-off study among several lunar construction options available to the Space Exploration Initiative. The relative time effectiveness of Extra-Vehicular...

Uses for Lunar Crawler Transporters
This article discusses state-of-the-art crawler transporters and expresses the need for additional research and development for lunar crawlers. The thrust of the paper illustrates how...

The Small Mars Rover
Mars rover is one of the principal technical means intended for studying the surface of Mars. The first Mars rover was delivered to the Mars surface in 1971 and was designed for studying...

Phased Assembly of a European Space Station
This paper discusses a phased assembly approach for a proposed European Space Station utilising a series of constructional payloads that are delivered to orbit in an established sequence...

On-Orbit Assembly and Refurbishment of Lunar Transfer Vehicles
Initial flights of space-based manned lunar transfer vehicles (LTV) will require some on-orbit assembly and checkout due to mass and volume limitations of the Earth-to-orbit (ETO) launcher....

Tethers and Their Role in the Space Exploration Initiative
This paper addresses some potential applications for tethers in space, and describes a mission designed to deploy a satellite from a Delta II launch vehicle, by NASA's Small Expendable...

Back to the Future: A Saturn V-Based Low Earth Orbital Transportation Node
The Space Exploration Initiative requires a heavy-lift launch vehicle to succeed. Reviving the Saturn V represents the best option for regaining heavy-lift. Utilizing the Saturn V's two-stage-to-orbit...

Evolution of the Space Station Freedom Module Pattern
The Space Station Freedom (SSF) is being designed to serve as a permanently manned platform in space to accommodate a growing amount of supported scientific research and, ultimately, to...

Orbital Construction of a NTR Mars Transfer Vehicle
This paper examines a reference Nuclear Thermal Mars Transfer Vehicle (NTMTV) in terms of on-orbit construction. The identification of subassemblies, payload manifesting, on-orbit connections,...

Lunar Surface Mining Equipment Study
In response to the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI), a large number of lunar base scenarios have been proposed by various members of the research community. The National Aeronautics...

Explosive Forming of Aluminum-Lithium Alloys
This paper proposes the use of explosive forming to form large, near net shape components for HLLV propellant tanks and structures in meeting this need. Combining with high strength to...

Robotic On-Orbit Fueling of SEI Vehicles
Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) missions may involve the assembly and then fueling of vehicles in locations other than on the surface of the Earth. For example, fueling of the Mars...

Outpost Service and Construction Robot (OSCR)
The Outpost Service and Construction Robot (OSCR) is proposed as the prime mover of a comprehensive, synergistic approach to extraterrestrial surface construction, mining and transportation...

Space-Based Assembly Sequence Formulation for Evaluation of Large Orbital Assemblies
The challenges associated with constructing interplanetary spacecraft and space platforms in low earth orbit are such that it is imperative that comprehensive, preliminary process planning...

Advances in Ground Operations for the Next Generation Space Launch Vehicle Programs
For over thirty years, large launch vehicles such as Saturn, Delta, Atlas, and Titan have successfully provided the world with access to space. The emphasis of each of those programs was...

Assessment of a SSF Servicing Facility
Evolution options for a servicing facility at Space Station Freedom (SSF) are currently being studied. While many choices exist, one promising idea is an enclosed facility or hangar which...

Artificial Gravity Augmentation on the Moon and Mars
Extended visits to the moon and Mars will require a base on the surface. Exploration of small planetary neighbors will depend upon the development of a life support system that prevents...

Concept for a Lunar Array for Very Low Frequency Radio Astronomy
We discuss the design considerations relevant to a very low frequency array, to be deployed on the lunar near side during an early expedition. Such an array would operate in the frequency...

Laboratory Evaluation of Footings for Lunar Telescopes
Presented here are the results of laboratory experiments with different footing shapes for lunar telescopes. These experiments used a variety of soils including some to simulate regolith...

Systems Integration of Lunar Campsite Vehicles
This paper describes the configuration design and subsystems integration resolution for lunar Campsite vehicles and the crew vehicles (CVs) which support them. Briefly stated, this concept...





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