Risk Analysis in Dam Safety Programs
There are about 68,000 dams in the Nation. About 95 percent of the dams are nonfederal; the balance are owned by various agencies of the federal government. Over 30 percent of the high...

Scour and Fill Monitoring at Lock and Dam No. 26 (Replacement), Mississippi River
Information gathered during construction of the first stage dam is presented. The information consists of data indicating flows and stages along with data obtained from surveys which monitor...

RCC Dam Incorporates Innovative Hydraulic Features
An overview of the features of Monksville Dam is presented, with emphasis on the hydraulic components of the project. This 150-foot (45-meter) high roller compacted concrete structure...

Upper Hudson River Valley Dam Break Model
In order to determine areas of inundation due to the failure of Conklingville Dam, a dam break analysis was performed, and the resulting outflow hydrograph was routed through the downstream...

Instruments Detect Dam Movement During Construction
Recent attention has been given to retrofitting electrical generation facilities at existing dams. Maintaining a safe structure during construction, and accomplishing this within a budget...

Willow Creek Dam--To Be or Not To Be
In Heppner, Oregon, several alternatives for flood control were considered. A concrete gravity dam constructed using roller compaction methods was selected because of the greatly reduced...

Operation of Glen Canyon Dam Spillways--Summer 1983
Flood control at Glen Canyon Dam is provided by a 41-ft (12. 5-m) diameter tunnel spillway in each abutment. Each spillway is designed to pass 138,000 ft**3/sec (3907. 7 m**3/sec). The...

Modeling Aeration Devices for Glen Canyon Dam
The 41-ft (12. 5-m) diameter tunnel spillways at Glen Canyon Dam experienced major damage during the 1983 spring runoff. This damage was initiated by cavitation. Hydraulic model studies...

Aeration is the Solution for Sluice Cavitation Damage at Libby Dam, Montana
Cavitation has severely damaged two of the high-head flood control sluices. The damaged areas were immediately patched; however, these patches were not considered a solution to the problem....

Prediction of Dam Overtopping Due to Mudflows
The eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980 resulted in a small mudflow into Swift reservoir, which is located immediately south of the mountain. An engineering/geologic study was...

Modeling Analysis for Management of Artificial Recharge
The objective of these groundwater and sediment modeling studies is to determine the net change in storage and potentiometric levels within the Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin resulting...

Bureau of Reclamation Hydraulic Laboratory
The Bureau of Reclamation used hydraulic models for the first time in 1930 in the laboratory of the Colorado Agriculture Experimental Station in Fort Collins, Colorado. In 1946 the Reclamation...

In 1986, when its six turbine/pump-generator/motor units will be in operation, the Bath County Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project in Virginia will be the world's largest....

Itaipu, South America's Grande Dame
When fully operational, the Itaipu hydropower project, located along the Parana River between Brazil and Paraguay, will be the world's largest. In 1989, it is expected to...

Holland's Fight Against the Sea
The Netherlands have always been threatened by the sea, its Delta Region most of all. After the catastrophic floods of 1953, the Delta Plan for the strengthening of coastal defenses and...

Seismic Design of Embankments and Caverns
The papers included in this publication were presented at three symposia on seismicity and seismic design for embankment dams and underground openings. Primary topics for discussion include:...

The Grand Coulee Third Powerplant Project, an extension of the Grand Coulee Dam in northeastern Washington State, has been given a 1983 ASCE OCEA Award of Merit. Located on the Columbia...

Accomplishments and Impacts of Reservoirs
Water resources have been developed by dams and diversion structures and utilized to meet the needs of civilization since ancient times. Today, water resources developments including multiple...

Earth Reinforced Dams: First in U.S.
Earth reinforcement has in recent years been applied in the restoration and construction of dams. Earth reinforcement has been used to raise dam heights, replace traditional earth embankments...

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering covers the field of soil mechanics and foundations, with special emphasis on the relationship between the geologic environmental and man-made works. Computer applications...





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