Stormwater Quality Issues for Jefferson Parish
Jefferson Parish has a unique set obstacles to overcome in the operation of the drainage system. Situated in a coastal area and surrounded by water, the area has been developed through...

Design of a Neural Network Power Grasp Controller
An overview of research on the development of an artificial neural network controller used to implement power grasping on the DIGITS Grasping System is presented. The DIGITS System, under...

Numerical Modeling of Air Bubble Transport in Spillway Flow Downstream from Aerator
A simple numerical model for simulation of air bubble transport in the flow downstream from an aerator is constructed and compared with laboratory experiments. The model consists of two...

Vibration Suppression Through Liquid Oscillations
A passive liquid-motivated control system is proposed to suppress and reduce the lateral drift of high-rise buildings. The vibration reduction mechanism relies on liquid motion to alter...

Time-Delayed Control of Nondispersive Continuous Systems
This paper deals with the noncollocated, time-delayed active point control of continuous systems. It considers systems of finite spatial extent which can be modelled by the undamped wave...

Optimal Control Configuration for Active Control of Structural Vibrations
An active tendon control mechanism is used to control the vibrations of a bridge-like structure. A single control force controls three modes of vibrations. Special attention is paid to...

Input-Output Discrete-Time Control of Structures
This paper outlines an approach for active control of structures based on the identification of a linear difference equation to describe the control loop and the design of a discrete-time...

Developing High-Risk Scenarios and Countermeasure Ideas for Mitigation of Hazardous Materials Incidents
Kansas State University (KSU) conducted a comprehensive study of the development of a set of prioritized, extreme-risk scenarios, the development of a set of feasible, practical and implementable...

Flows of Hazardous Materials Through States by Rail
This paper presents information on the tonnages of hazardous materials passing through each of the contiguous 48 states (and the District of Columbia) by rail. The quantities are estimated...

Highway Robbery: The Social Costs of Hazardous Materials Incidents on the Capital Beltway
In the summer of 1988, three major truck incidents involving hazardous materials occurred on the Capital Beltway in Washington, D.C. This paper estimates the delays that were incurred...

Truck Accident and Release Rates for Hazmat Routing
Estimates of accident and release rates are essential in the conduct of risk assessments in routing studies for highway transportation of hazardous materials. Recent published literature...

Evaluation of Hazardous Material Transportation by Rail
ALK Associates Inc. of Princtron, NJ has developed a computer model, the Rail Hazardous Materials Routing System, which provides historical accident rate and population exposure statistics...

A Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Approach for Selecting Routes: Case Study of Hazardous Waste Transportation in Arizona
The study objective was to provide an approach to selecting routes to a proposed hazardous waste treatment and storage facility, based on a risk and vulnerability assessment. Probability...

GIS Risk Analysis of Hazardous Materials Transport
The Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to assess the risks and vulnerability of transporting hazardous materials and wastes on the Arizona highway system. This paper discusses...

Use of Advanced Technologies for Improving Hazmat Transportation Safety
This paper describes how advanced technologies can help improve the safety of over the road hazardous material transportation. The technologies discussed include driver information systems,...

StateGEN/StateNET and DOT Guidelines: Tools for Highway Routing of Hazardous Materials
Under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Energy Office, of Defense Programs, Sandia National Laboratories' Transportation Technology Center has developed computerized...

Automated Performance Monitoring of U.S. Dams
The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of a comprehensive report prepared by USCOLD on General Guidelines and Current U.S. Practice in Automated Performance Monitoring of Dams....

Recent Developments in Hardware and Data Processing for Telemonitoring Various Structures
Some of the latest automated centralized monitoring systems being used by civil engineers in France shall be reviewed, along with details of the benefits from this approach and some of...

Use of Bar Code Technology to Simplify Sieve Analysis Data Acquisition
A system has been developed at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Ohio River Division Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory using bar codes and a computer coupled balance to aid in data collection...

An Inexpensive Automatic Control System for Soil Testing
This paper describes an inexpensive automatic control system for soils testing. The system comprises a microcomputer, an analog to digital converter, a relay board, and solenoid valves....





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