Hydraulic Fill Dams/Earthquake Stability
The 1971 San Fernando earthquake near Los Angeles, Calif., generated concern for the stability of hydraulic fill dams. Two dams located near the fault were damaged severely. The shaking...

Highly Energy Efficient�� Wilton Wastewater Treatment Plant
The municipal wastewater treatment plant for Wilton, Maine, a community of 4,200, received one of two national awards for energy conservation in 1975. The plant includes primary and secondary...

Sewage Effluent Turned to Snow: Provides Storage, Removes Pollutant
Sewage effluent can be stored in an artificial snowpack as evidenced by research performed in 1974 by the Upper Yampa Water Conservancy District of Colorado. The three month long experiment...

Today's Northwest Passage
The Lower Snake River Project received the outstanding water resources engineering project award for 1976 from ASCE. The lower 140-mile (225-km) reach of the Snake River from its mouth...

Pilot Plant Program�� Treatment of NYC Water Supply
Many cities with upland reservoirs as their source of water are now finding it necessary to filter the water. Population growth in the upland areas and more stringent standards are the...

ASCE Tackles Standards
ASCE is sharply expanding its standards activity. Standards committees are at work in the fields of building loads, fire safety of structures, steel box-girder bridges, nuclear power plants...

Austin's 11-Mile Sewer Tunnel Reflects Sound Economic, Environmental Alternatives
An 11-mile long $20,000,000 concrete-lined continuous tunnel has just been completed across the City of Austin to serve as a sanitary sewer. Most of the tunnel is more than 100-ft (30.5-m)...

Polyethylene Pipe Solutions to Sewer Outfalls
One of the primary concerns of the Chief of Naval Operations is to insure that environmental pollution standards are met in this country and abroad at those naval bases near oceans or...

Three Towns: Three Different Solutions to Stormwater Control
That an engineer is a creative solver of people-problems was shown in Kentucky, where a consultant designed stormwater control systems in three towns�� and came up with three different...

PL 92-500 to Cost Metal Finishing Industry $45 Billion
The 1972 amendments to the Water Pollution Control Act will have far their greatest impact on the metal finishing industry. To meet the 1983 requirement of best available technology is...

Recycling Refuse Into Energy
Some 50% of large cities, 10% of small ones reportedly are talking about recycling their municipal refuse. Several are building facilities or have recently begun operations. This article...

Water Harvesting�� Modern Application of an Ancient Method
Water harvesting�The process of collecting natural precipitation from prepared watersheds for beneficial use was the topic of a 3-day symposium held in Phoenix, Arizona, in March 1974....

Zinc Paint Can Save $500,000 On Your Powerplant
Zinc-rich paints have been used for 20 years now. However, those responsible for protecting powerplants and many other utility and industrial structures are still using the alkyd paints....

Controlling Runoff from Construction Sites
In recent years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and a number of states have been placing increased emphasis on controlling erosion and sediment-laden runoff from construction...

The Recycling of a River
After a century of neglect and degradation, the South Platte River is undergoing a process of transformation to become the most significant recreational resource in the Denver area�� a...

Evolution of 208 Water-Quality Planning
In writing the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act Amendments, Congress realized water pollution from non-point sources was a serious problem and would be difficult for the federal government...

208: A Process for Water Quality Management
The Section 208 program is the key to the continuous management of the nation's water pollution clean-up efforts. In the past, regional approaches to water pollution abatement...

Industrial, Municipal Wastes Combined
The design of the facility in South Paris, Maine, is based on a modified secondary activated sludge treatment process. Because of the quality of the specific industrial wastes being treated,...

Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities
Draft Trial Use and Comment
This Manual of Engineering Practice in Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities is a project of the Nuclear Structures and...

Civil and Environmental Engineering Aspects of Energy Complexes
Proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference, Civil and Environmental Engineering Aspects of Energy Complexes, held at New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire, August 3-8,...





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