Commercial Wetland Mitigation Banking
Wetland mitigation banking, although practiced for more than fifteen years, is a concept just beginning to be widely embraced and implemented as an important wetlands regulatory and management...

Washington State's Stormwater Management Program
Significant progress has been made in developing a stormwater management program at the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Topics highlighted in this paper include:...

Salinity Management for the Upper Gila River
Over development and over allocation of the limited water supply of the S afford valley in eastern Arizona has resulted in serious depletion of water for irrigation in the San Carlos Apache...

Pollution Transport in Karst
A new model of pollution transport in natural streams was developed and tested. Dead zone storage is modeled as a two time constant process. This approach better matches the observed persistence...

Utilizing Coordinated Billing and Metering Systems Analysis to Enhance Utility Revenue on a Shared Revenue Basis
The Jefferson Parish Water Department provides water service to over 450,000 residents through 132,000 active utility connections and provides billing services for all Parish operated...

Solving Collection Problems to Increase Revenue: The Houston Experience
By concentrating on improving customer service the City of Houston Utility Customer Service division solved their collection problems and increased their revenues. This article discusses...

The Costs and Benefits of Dam Removal on the Elwha River
The Elwha River is located on the Olympic Peninsula in the State of Washington. In the early 1900s two hydroelectric dams were built on the Elwha River. Construction of Glines Canyon and...

Use of ??8O and ?D to Define Seawater Intrusion
On the basis of previous studies, more than 60 km? of upper aquifer system underlying the Oxnard Plain was believed to be intruded by seawater. Recent work has shown that there are sources...

Seawater Intrusion Solutions for the Salinas Valley
Seawater intrusion has been occurring in the aquifers of the Salinas Valley ground water basin for more than 40 years. Two capital projects that will help reduce the rate of seawater intrusion...

Economic Impact of Managing Sea Water Intrusion
Sea water intrusion into a coastal aquifer may result from continued over extraction of the aquifer. In many coastal communities, sea water intrusion has led to artificial recharge programs...

Evaluating Strategies to Manage Seawater Intrusion
A simulation-optimization model has been developed to evaluate strategies for managing seawater intrusion in the Oxnard Plain, Ventura County, California; however, this model addresses...

Emulation of DWRDSM using Artificial Neural Networks and Estimation of Sacramento River Flow from Salinity
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are widely used and well-suited for multiple non-linear regression. Department of Water Resources Delta Simulation Model (DWRDSM) is a computer model...

Reducing Model Study Time and Improving Reliability
Historically, the majority of effort expended in computer modeling of physical systems has gone into the numerical algorithms used in the computer programs. Other aspects of modeling have...

Evaluation of System Constant Volume Control
System constant volume control (SCVC) has been developed for optimal control of canal systems. The objective of system constant volume control is to maintain a reference storage (or target...

Optimization of Water Distribution System with Blending Requirements
In a multi-source, multi-quality water distribution system, local water agencies often find that it is necessary to impose blending requirements to secure the desired water quality in...

Analyzing Water Balances and Ranking Maryland's Watersheds Related to Growth, Development and Loss of Habitat
One hundred thirty three watersheds comprising the entire state were analyzed for surface and ground water balance. Census population figures (1990) were allocated to the watersheds. Population...

Equity Measures for Selecting Sustainable Projects
Once implemented, a project may result in social, ecological, and economic impacts on both spatially and temporally distributed groups. Sustainable project selection requires that distributional...

From Sediment to Solid
While closing a 32 acre, storm-water impoundment area contaminated with petroleum waste sediments at an oil refinery, engineers came up with a more-effective treatment plan that saved...

Cleaning Up Clay
Using soil vapor extraction to remove volatile organic compounds from ground water and unsaturated soils can achieve faster and more-complete cleanups than conventional pump-and-treat...

Estuarine and Coastal Modeling
This volume contains the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling held in San Diego, California, October 26-28, 1995. The conference included oral...





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