Probabilistic Analysis of Modernization Options
Benefit-cost analysis is a standard procedure for reaching planning decisions. Cost overruns and benefit shortfalls are also common occurrences. One reason for the difficulty of predicting...

The Impact of Drought on Hydropower Generation-Case Study of Bureau of Reclamation Hydropower Plant
The paper explores the effects of extended drought on power generation at Shasta hydropower plant, a Bureau of Reclamation facility in Northern California. Statistical measures of water...

Economic Evaluation of Minimum Flow at Rockton
The Rockton Hydroelectric Project is a two-unit, 1,100 kW plant operated by South Beloit Water, Gas & Electric Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wisconsin Power & Light...

Renovation and Uprating of Seven Hydropower Plants in Java
The Indonesian Power Authority is planning to renovate and uprate seven hydropower stations in Java to expand plant life expectancy, ensure operating safety and reliability, and increase...

A Case for Modernizing the Funding and Repayment of Regional Water/Power Projects
Several regional water/power projects authorized by Congress remain unfunded and therefore uncompleted year after year. In this paper examples of such uncompleted projects are examined....

Evaluating the Dynamic Operating Benefits of Hydro Power Plants
In 1986, the Electric Power Research Institute asked Decision Focus to develop a new planning model to quantify the dynamic operating benefits of power technologies that offer operating...

Improving the Assessment of Instream Flow Needs for Fish Populations
Instream flow requirements are one of the most frequent and most costly environmental issues that must be addressed in developing hydroelectric projects. Existing assessment methods for...

Evaluating Hydro Relicensing Alternatives?Impacts on Power and Non-Power Values
The relicensing of 300 hydroelectric plants in the next decade involves a total capacity of about 4,000 MW - a $10 billion value. A methodology recently developed by Decision Focus Incorporated...

Evaluation of an Eicher Fish Diversion Screen at Elwha Dam
In the spring of 1990, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) initiated testing of an inclined fish screen installed in a 9-foot diameter penstock at the Elwha Hydroelectric Project...

A Demonstration of Strobe Lights to Repel Fish
An EPRI review (EPRI, 1986) of fish protection systems for hydroelectric facilities identified strobe lights as a potential behavioral system to minimize fish entrainment. In 1988, EPRI...

Pumped Storage, the Environment and Mitigation
The privately financed 1,000 MW Rocky Point Pumped Storage Project located in central Colorado, USA, will be one of the world's highest head, 2,350 feet (716 m), reversible...

Harvest Facility Protects and Improves Fishery
By constructing a trap and transfer/harvest facility to control anadromous fish migration, the trout fishery on the Boardman River was protected and the salmon fishery was improved. The...

Case Study: Central Oregon Siphon Power Project Mitigating Local Concerns
In the early 1980's, 18 hydroelectric projects were proposed for development on the Deschutes River system in Central Oregon. Strong local opposition was a major factor in...

Factors Affecting Dissolved Oxygen in Hydropower Reservoirs
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is becoming a significant issue for hydropower projects. This paper identifies some key factors that can help hydropower operators better understand the nature of...

Side Effect of the Cross-Flow Turbine: Improved Water Quality
The working principle of the Original Cross-Flow Turbine with draft tube demands air induced into the turbine housing to operate at high efficiency. Reoxygenation of water will occur,...

Glen Canyon Hydropower vs. The Grand Canyon (The Conflict of Basic Values)
Competing for the scarce resources of our future is the byword of the 1990's. For the last century and more, the United States has been in the position of always having more...

Balancing Power Production with Natural Resource Benefits: Can You Trade Apples for Oranges?
Recent legislation affecting the licensing of hydropower projects requires that equal consideration be given to power and nonpower resource values. As is the case for past attempts to...

The Impact of No Net Loss of Wetlands on Water Power Development Alternatives
Federal commitment to wetlands protection is increasing. The Bush Administration has embraced an as yet undefined goal of 'no net loss of wetlands' and various...

Relative Survival of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Through Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River
Preliminary results of a multiple year study indicate that juvenile chinook salmon passing through the juvenile bypass system at Bonneville Dam second powerhouse during the summer have...

Fish Entrainment and Mortality at the French Landing Hydroelectric Powerhouse
This case study explains the fish mortality study performed and results obtained at an existing hydroelectric powerhouse in Michigan. Undertaken in 1989 and 1990, this study provides data...





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