Arizona's Uniform Traffic Impact Procedures
This paper discusses the development of policies and detailed uniform guidelines for traffic impact analysis of proposed developments along Arizona State highways. The paper addresses:...

Uniform Traffic Impact Assessment Studies?A Case History of Riverside County, California
A publication was issued by the Transportation Department of Riverside County, California, in December of 1989 which required all traffic impact studies performed for new development to...

Using Traffic Network Models to Assess Site Impact Traffic
This paper covers experience gained in using traffic network models as a site traffic analysis tool, including problems encountered in developing an appropriate zone system and coded highway...

Computerized Transportation Planning Models for Site Impact Analysis: Precision or Complexity?
Computer based travel forecasting models are now being widely used in the analysis of the traffic impacts of proposed developments. They are commonly used to identify improvements needed...

Shouldn't it be Transportation Impact Assessment?
A Traffic Impact Assessment is a single mode analytical tool that is used to evaluate new development proposals. Its use continues at a time when the transportation community is being...

Major Public Transportation Investments as Development Projects: Old Colony Railroad
In 1988, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation and construction (EOTC) developed a set of guidelines for traffic studies in conjunction with the state's environmental review...

Urban Transportation Management?Jersey City, New Jersey
This paper will describe the multi-year process undertaken to implement physical roadway improvements and transportation management policies in a constrained urban environment. Specifically...

Colgate Palmolive Transportation Impact Case Study
The Colgate Palmolive Company owns eleven city blocks of land in the Exchange Place area of downtown Jersey City, New Jersey. Colgate Palmolive operated manufacturing facilities on their...

Transportation Management in the Anacostia Waterfront Washington, D.C.
The Anacostia Waterfront is a 500 acre land mass located approximately one-half mile from the U.S. Capitol. This area includes a U.S. Army facility (Ft. McNair), a U.S. Navy facility (the...

Corridor Planning and Traffic Assessment: Small Sites and Neighborhoods
Determining the appropriate use of a piece of property, or the uses for larger land areas in a portion of a city, requires consideration of many facts. A recently completaed project was...

The Dialogue of Players on the Development Stage
To examine the factors which affect the quality of communications during the traffic impact study process, an opinion survey was administered to individuals representing three groups of...

Site Traffic Impact Analysis Process: The Developer's Perspective
Site traffic impact analyses are often conducted for private developers by traffic engineering consultants to be reviewed by the local engineering or planning departments of Cities and...

Are Existing Traffic Methodologies Realistic?
Several issues that will need to be addressed in the development of national uniform guidelines for Traffic Impact Statements (TIS) are discussed. A standard TIS preparation methodology...

Traffic Impact Study Ingredients
The elements, information sources, and format appropriate for traffic impact studies are described. The types of traffic impact studies discussed include regional modeling studies, municipal-wide...

Three-Dimensional Eulerian-Lagrangian Transport Model
An Eulerian-Lagrangian algorithm, based on operator-splitting techniques has been formulated for the three-dimensional advection-diffusion equation. This combines the advantage of a fixed...

Lagrangian Transport Simulation Using Video Images to Store and Retrieve Parameters
A new technique based on Video Images for Storing and Retrieving parameters (VISR) and its application to model pollutant transport using the Lagrangian discrete parcel method is presented....

3-D Particle Tracking for the New York Bight
This paper describes the development and testing of a three-dimensional particle tracking model for the New York Bight. A number of particle tracking options have been developed to predict...

An Experimental Model Using a Graphical User Interface
This paper describes a program named Plume which runs on a microcomputer. The intended function of the program is to enhance an investigator's understanding of the estuarine environment...

Modeling Three-Dimensional Circulation and Sediment Transport in Lakes and Estuaries
The transport of fine sediments due to currents and wind waves in estuaries and lakes have been studied by means of field experiments, laboratory experiments, and a comprehensive three-dimensional...

Passive Dispersive Transport Modelling: Comparison with Experimental Rhodamine Data in the Elbe Estuary, Germany
Aiming at modelling of the complex water mass, suspended matter and pollutant transport in a tidal estuary, the ability of simulating the transport of passive, conservative tracers is...





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