Instream Flow Studies: Susquehanna Basin and Pennsylvania
Proposed methodology for developing regional criteria for determining instream flow needs are described. The methodology includes: classification of streams; reconnaissance level studies...

Lake Ontario Regulation Utilizing an Expert System Approach Constrained by Interest Satisfaction Relationships
Mass balance of historic and predicted total basin supplies to Lake Ontario forms the basis of an Expert Systems model constrained by interest satisfaction (IS) relationships. The IS Model...

Lewis and Clark Rural Water System: A Regional Approach to Solving Domestic Water Supply Problems for a Tri-State Area
The proposed Lewis and Clark Rural Water System (L&CRWS) is a treated, bulk water delivery system. Membership includes twenty-two communities and rural water systems in southeastern...

Design and Implementation of an Optimal Real-Time Hydropower Generation Scheduling System for the Lower Colorado River in Texas
The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) of Texas supplies water and electric power to over 800,000 persons in Central Texas. A real-time decision support system is being developed and...

Reservoir Operation Using Bayesian Inferencing and Balancing Rules
The water resources problem addressed in this paper is real-time, multi-purpose reservoir operation. Specifically, daily, or at the most, weekly operations are considered. A hybrid modeling...

Exploring Management Alternatives with Interactive Simulation
A drought exercise was held to disseminate information about a proposed change in reservoir management. In the drought exercise, an interactive operations model was used to simulate drought...

Changing Dam Operating Criteria to Accommodate Aquatic Biological Diversity
The Colorado squawfish, bonytail chub, humpback chub, and razorback sucker, now threatened with extinction, were once the dominant fishes in the river. Recovering these native species...

Salt River Project Strategic Water Resource Plan
This paper discusses the results of the Salt River Project Strategic Water Resource Plan - Phase I: Assessment & Potential Strategies. The objective of Phase I of the Strategic...

Thoughts of Reservoir Management Studies
Changing water use patterns and priorities, the high cost and uncertainty of developing new supply sources, increasingly stringent environmental regulation, and the desire and need to...

Integration of Reliability, Uncertainty and Optimization in Hydraulics Systems: Classification of Problem Types
Design and operation of hydraulic systems can be an extremely complex task. Although not widely accepted the application of deterministic optimization techniques can provide guidance to...

Integration of Reliability, Uncertainty and Optimization in Hydraulics Systems: Structural Reliability
The focus of this paper is to provide an overview of analysis and optimal design of systems in which the system reliability is dependent upon the structure of the system (such as the layout...

Designing Optimal Reliable Multiquality Water Supply Systems
A methodology which integrates optimal design and reliability of a multiquality water supply system is presented and demonstrated. The system constructed is able to sustain prescribed...

Effects of Climate Change on Water Quality
This research explores the potential effects of climate change on the quality of waters in lakes. Temperature and dissolved oxygen were considered the primary water quality variables due...

Intelligent Decision Support System for Stage Discharge Analysis
A Decision Support System (DSS) for fitting stage-discharge (S-D) relations is being developed by the University of Manitoba, Facility for Intelligent Decision Support, for Environment...

A Decision Support System for Administering Water Rights in an Alluvial Aquifer
A previously developed basin scale surface-ground water simulation model has been incorporated into a micro-computer based decision support system that simulates the transient ground water...

Application of the PCRSS Reservoir Simulation Model to the Salt River Project
PCRSS is a general purpose reservoir system model construction kit. It allows the user to specify the system configuration and parameters through the use of a windows based graphic user...

A Decision Support System for Reassessing the Operation of the Chungju Reservoir System
The Chungju Reservoir is a component of the Han River System in Korea. Chungju Reservoir consists of a main reservoir and a downstream smaller reservoir that serves as an after bay. It...

A Decision Support System for Multi-Purpose Reservoir Operations
A generalized decision support system (DSS) is presented for developing optimal operation policies for multi-purpose reservoirs. The model is designed for single reservoirs, although is...

Colorado River Decision Support System
Colorado is developing its own tools, such as the Colorado River Decision Support System (CRDSS), to evaluate alternative strategies and establish an informed and factual position regarding...

Instream Flow Strategies for Operation of the Federal Central Valley Project
Federal Central Valley Project (CVP) operations and policies of reservoir storage and river releases for fish and wildlife protection and restoration are discussed. Prescribed strategies...





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