NOAA CoastWatch: Imagery for Coastal Resource Management and Research
As part of the Coastal Ocean Program, NOAA CoastWatch is developing systems that will provide enchanced near real-time high resolution imagery from meteorological satellites; habitat change...

Multiple Use Ocean Management in the U.S.: Toward a New Conceptual Framework
Problems with the sectorally based, largely single-purpose approach to the management of ocean resources and ocean space in the United States have been amply documented in recent years....

Regional Ocean Resources Management
The fluid nature of the ocean environment and the mobility of living ocean resources place obvious limits on the ability of state and federal resource managers to effectively manage based...

Environmental and Economic Feasibility of Water Supply Alternatives in Hawaii and California: Desalination, Water Marketing and Conservation
Increasing urban demand for potable water in Honolulu, Hawaii and Santa Barbara, California, jeopardizes scarce supplies. The objective of this analysis is to compare the costs and benefits...

The Hawaii Ocean Resources Management Program: Policy Planning and Inter-agency Coordination
The purpose of the Hawaii Ocean Resources Management Program has been to make comprehensive policy recommendations on how ocean and coastal resources should be managed and to identify...

Impacts of Sea-Level Rise in Developing Countries
Impending and ongoing impacts of sea-level rise in developing countries is being recognized increasingly because a variety of national and international efforts are beginning to document...

San Diego Bay Eeelgrass Planting and Mitigation
This paper will discuss the Navy's efforts to mitigate for the loss of eelgrass and creation of an eelgrass bank to compensate for possible future losses in San Diego Bay....

Management of Historic and Non-Historic Submerged Shipwreck Resources in California
The Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987 encourages states to establish management programs for historic and non-historic shipwrecks. Conceptually, a management program will consist of a regulatory...

Difficulties of Coastal Resources Management in Developing Countries Sri Lankan Experiences
Due to the pressure of overexploitation of coastal resources and use conflicts among the resource users, there is a growing need for integrated coastal management in developing coastal...

Shell Island Evolution
In 1979, Shell Island was overtopped by Hurricane Bob breaching the barrier island with an opening that now has increased to a width of approximately 2.7 kilometers. Saltwater intrusion...

Integrated Coastal Resources Management in Grumari-Guaratiba-Marambaia Complex, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
It is initially presented a brief physical description of the coastal region in question, which is situated at the eastern end of the Sepetiba Coastal plain on the Southern coast of Rio...

A Comprehensive Project for the Venice Lagoon
The Venice Lagoon is undergoing a severe process of environmental decay, due to increasing pollution from urban, industrial and agricultural sources. A number of projects have been launched,...

Environmental Education in the British Virgin Islands
The Conservation and Fisheries Department is a new department. Therefore, there has only been limited effect on the community thus far. Environmental Education in the said department is...

Strategies for the International Stewardship of Coastal and Marine Resources of Antarctica
The formulation and realization of several international agreements has successfully governed Antarctica and its surrounding seas for three decades. Today, given the increased real and...

The Coastal Area Almanac?An Inventory of the Physical and Natural Resources of the West Coastal Area of Trinidad
Trinidad and Tobago, the most southerly of the Caribbean islands possess unique and fragile ecosystems. These islands with a combined area of 5128 km2...

Onsite Compliance Programs for Major Oil and Gas Projects
Major oil and gas projects developed in Santa Barbara County are monitored for compliance with conditions of approval through various enforcement and compliance programs. the Resource...

Trapping and Escape of Fine-Grained Sediments: Neuse River Estuary, N.C.
The Neuse River estuary and its receiving basin, Pamlico Sound, are part of a system that comprises large, shallow bodies of water which have little or no free connection with the open...

Optimization of Maintenance for Coastal Inlets with Uncertainty
Maintenance dredging costs the nation roughly $400 million per year. Yet, relative to other areas of water resources engineering, little attempt has been made to apply operations research...

Short-Term Characteristics of Coastal Lagoon Entrances in California
Methods of predicting the frequency of lagoon opening conditions and the cross-sectional area of the inlet channel are reviewed. The potential variation from these empirical relations...

Environmentally Sustainable Development: A Concept in Action
Environmentally sustainable development denotes a balanced approach with appropriate consideration for environmental protection. The successes achieved in the development of five diverse...





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