Spatial Decision Support System for Toxic Spill Modeling in the Ohio River
Spatial decision support systems (SDSS) are hardware-software systems that incorporate spatial analysis and modeling in a workstation environment. The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation...

Forecasting Instabilities in Groundwater Parameters
A multiprocess Kalman filter recursive procedure is used as a tool for modeling and analysis of noisy groundwater series in order to detect abrupt fluctuations and instabilities in the...

Use of Interactive Simulation Environments for Evaluation of Water Supply Reliability
This paper investigates physical performance measures and their practical application to a regional water resource system for western Washington. Specific criteria for characterizing the...

Demand Management Strategies for Providence Water Supply Board
The Providence water supply is the largest in Rhode Island, and the demands placed upon it continue to increase with the growth of the area as other systems turn to it as a preferred source...

Computer Support for Water Quality Management in San Diego Bay
At present, a variety of computer based systems and techniques, including mathematical models, data bases, information management schemes, statistical analysis packages, and graphical...

Computer-Aided Support for Water Quality Modeling of the Russian River
A computer-aided support system for operation of the QUAL2E-UNCAS modeling packaged has been developed for modeling of the Russian River, California. The system has been created under...

A Decision Support System for Water Quality Modeling
A prototype Decision Support System (DSS) has been developed to evaluate the environmental and economic consequences of alternative farming practices. This system was developed to help...

Modified QUAL2E Modeling of a Stream Acutely Impacted by Photosynthesis and Respiration
The QUAL2E model was modified to account for time variable headwater conditions and the photosynthesis and respiration of attached aquatic plants. With these modifications, a stream that...

A GIS Based Synthetic Watershed Sediment Routing Model
For most watersheds, extensive water quality data are not available. Land use, topographic, edaphic and meteorological information is generally available; but without extensive water quality...

Critical Public Issues for Well Head Protection
New Jersey adopted in 1991 a Well Head Protection Program Plan to provide added safeguards to water supply wells. Through extensive public participation efforts the Department of Environmental...

Savannah International Airport Environmentally Minded Stormwater Master Planning
The proposed Savannah International Airport expansion required a coordinated effort between engineers and environmental scientists to develop a stormwater management plan which would utilize...

Hydropower, Water Quality and Waste Discharge
Development of multiple hydroelectric projects on large river systems can result in potential reductions in dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. Municipalities along the Ohio River basin...

We Need to Integrate Water Transportation and Environmental Protection Planning and Policy
There are important connections between environmental natural resources and transportation policies and programs. Such links between air quality and transportation have been recognized...

Implementation of the NPDES Storm Water Regulations by Municipalities in the San Francisco Bay Area
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) final rule for storm water discharge regulation under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requires municipalities...

Jefferson Parish Storm Water Management
Jefferson Parish has been identified as an urban area requiring a municipal storm water NPDES permit. Jefferson is now in the progress of completing its Part 1 permit applications and...

Management of Portland's Combined Sewer System
The City of Portland, Oregon, has embarked upon a two-year program to develop a long-term management program for its combined sewer system. A team of consultants is assisting the City...

Rural-Urban Water Transfers in Nevada: Solution or Problem?
Nevada is the most arid of the 50 states, yet is one of the fastest growing in terms of population. With this population growth, primarily in its two largest population centers, Las Vegas...

Ongoing Monitoring Results Pilot Stormwater Disposal Facilities, Pierce County, Washington
The three stormwater disposal facilities evaluated appeared to increase in pollutant removal effectiveness after approximately 4 to 5 months of operation. This may be due to the deposition...

Dry Weather Field Screening as an Indicator for Urban Drainage System Rehabilitation
In November 1990, EPA published final rules governing National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Application Regulations for stormwater discharges. The rules affect...

Design and Maintenance of Rural Water Supply Systems for Improved Performance
During the period 1980-1990 the United Nations sponsored a comprehensive effort to bring potable water supplies throughout the world. For many urban and rural areas in developing countries...





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